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Object-Oriented Reality in a Conscious Universe

                  The Elite Source For Spiritual Information And Dating

The universe and everything in it consists of 100%

consciousness. The fabric of the universe is consciousness.

Physical matter consists of subatomic particles of energy.

Energy is nothing more than compressed consciousness, so matter

is fundamentally composed of consciousness.

Space and time are both projections of viewpoints within the

one consciousness which created the universe. Space and time

are fabrications, illusions, created by Infinite Being, the

eternal Here and Now. The concepts of space and time allow

Infinite Being to expand itself into a theater of infinite

change and experiences. We are the eyes and ears, so to speak,

of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from an infinite

number of different viewpoints.

There is a theory that the universe only exists when you are

observing it and, therefore, that each person must be creating

their entire universe. However, at the everyday human level of

consciousness, it is readily apparent that the universe goes on

whether any particular individual is watching it or not. For

example, you don't create the stars in the night sky the moment

you look up at them. You see them already in existence, in the

position they were in hundreds of light-years ago when their

light began its journey to your location. The key to

understanding the construction of the conscious universe is

something I call Object-Oriented Reality.

Object-Oriented Reality states that the universe consists

entirely of consciousness and that physical objects are

projections of consciousness within time and space. These

objects are themselves conscious and each maintains their own

independent properties defining their nature and location.

That means that even the physical objects we have been taught

to believe to be inanimate are not just constructed from

consciousness, they are actually conscious objects. Even the

smallest subatomic particles have their own basic


Because the choice of Creation is to produce infinite variety,

every single subatomic particle in the universe is unique.

Every subatomic particle has a distinct vibrational tone or

"personality" to it. Its personality may be extremely simple

when compared to the human concept; yet, when it collides with

another subatomic particle, it has enough consciousness to form

a relationship with it.

In such a case, both subatomic particles involved in the

collision remember each other as they fly off in different

directions. If one then hits a wall, the other also feels this

and reacts in sympathy. The very building blocks of physical

reality - subatomic particles - have their own level of


Each subatomic particle is an independent object unto itself.

It has properties, a whole list of them: it has momentum, a

position in space and time, a frequency and density of

consciousness that forms its very nature, it has an electrical

charge, and so on. When it becomes affected by other particles,

its properties, such as its direction of travel after a

collision, become changed by the interaction.

When the conscious entity that we call a subatomic particle is

combined with other particles to form an atom, an object of a

higher order is formed. At that point, many particles come

together to form a larger object, one with its own

consciousness, which is greater than the sum of its parts. It

is greater than the sum of its parts because, in addition to

its parts, it is also a new, larger entity.

That atom may then become attached to other atoms to form a

molecule, which is yet another higher order of functionality,

also with its own unique combination of properties. That

molecule may become part of a tree, which then becomes shaped

into one component of a wooden chair. Now we have an object

called a chair, consisting of a hierarchy of conscious

components which now share the one, integrated set of

properties called a chair.

An object is therefore comprised of a functional hierarchy of

smaller components, each of which is composed of consciousness,

and each of which has awareness.

If someone moves your chair when you are away, its location

property will have been altered and you will see it in its new

location when you return. The chair was moved independent of

your awareness, without you being the one who moved it. As an

independent, conscious entity, it retains its own set of

properties, including its location.

Everything in the world is a conscious entity and has

awareness, even the things that we have been taught to view as

inanimate. Your house feels more like home when you love it,

because, as a conscious entity, it feels your love and

reciprocates your empathetic feeling. Your car works better and

becomes more reliable when you love it and appreciate it for

the work that it does. Your pets are fully aware of your

thoughts, even if they don't yet understand thought patterns

that include logic, like phrases that include the words "if"

and "or else!"

                  The Elite Source For Spiritual Information And Dating

Within the theater of life, each object maintains its own set

of properties and yet each object exists within the massive

field of fundamental consciousness called Infinite Being. The

idea that objects are "out there" in space, external to us, is

just an idea that is achieved by projection of consciousness.

It's a viewpoint, an entertaining illusion, somewhat similar to

the illusion of watching a movie on a big screen.

The universe is one huge field of consciousness containing an

infinite variety of objects, each of which manages itself

according to its design and the set of properties that defines

it. As human beings, we are a part of this universal map of

consciousness and interact with it.

When you see another person, you are seeing the expression of

the same underlying reality of Infinite Being as you. That

person is experiencing life from a different viewpoint of the

one reality. That is why, even though you maintain the

appearance of being different, you and the other person are,

deep down, really one.

In everyday living, humans do not appear to have a direct

effect on physical objects with their minds. However, in the

tiny world of subatomic particles, it is very apparent that we

do. Human consciousness is seen to directly affect particles of

energy in many ways. In the physics laboratory, focused human

attention is seen to bring energy potential out of the vacuum

and into manifestation as observable energy particles. In the

same experiment, without an observer being present, no

particles become manifest. Thus, the human mind actually

creates or manifests energy particles where there were none.

We live in a universe which was created by consciousness and,

yet, our minds appear to have limited power to affect our

environment in daily life. But, ask yourself this.

Could we really be great creators, just waiting to discover

our true abilities?

For the amazing answer, and a series of surprising facts, see

next week's article, "Stairway to Heaven."


The affirmation 'I am Infinite Being'  is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

Happy surfing upon the realms of spiritual awareness!
This article was written by Owen Waters,
 author of 'The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness'

Owen Waters
