What To Do When A Woman
"Challenges" You

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***QUESTION***Hey Dave!Ok, so after all these hundreds of e-mails andtestimonials you get, you KNOW this cocky+funnyworks, but I must say I'm happy that I FEEL I'mstarting to get it. I had your ebook and cd seriesfor a few months and I listened to the cds andread the book over and over. It was great but Iguess its obvious you dont see success until youget out there and practice it and SEE how itworks. At first, it simply made no sense... Itried it and didn't get much response until Ideveloped the character for it and made it apartof me. Cocky+funny isn't something you try out, itssomething you have to make a part of you! When youdo that, c+f comes natural and makes conversationsso much more fun! Not only that it creates thatattraction you talk about so much! So, like Isaid, having the right MINDSET is what'simportant, not learning LINES, but here's a few Ilike. And I could use some of these when I feelthe conversation is drying up.

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"Hey...<pause>....quit looking at my ass! I knowyou want to jump my bones but slow down!" (even ifshe wasn't doing that) (when a woman gets quiet orthere's a break in the conversation) "I know Imake you nervous and all but please...try tocontrol yourself!" Here's one question I like toask: Me: So do you cook...well? Her: Yes, I do.Me: Great, since you know the way to a man's heartis through his stomach, you can cook me dinner. Iwant....(fill in whatever you want her to cook!)"You couldn't handle this..." (that one alone workswell)(if you catch her looking at you...or even if youdont) "I saw that...I know you keep looking at mysexy body and you want it so bad you're drooling,but cant we be friends first?""Are you shy or something? Why haven't you asked meout yet (or asked for my phone number)? I knowyou're afraid I'll seduce you and make you fallmadly in love with me but you'll just have tolearn to handle it!" "Tsk tsk tsk...you should beashamed of yourself." She says: "Why?" "For tryingto seduce/pickup a guy like me! I know you want mebut be patient!"(when she does something I dont like) "Well, itsjust not working between us. I'm going to have tocut off the sex, the kisses, the cuddling, all ofit until you be a good girl!" Most of my C+Ffocuses on assuming she wants you and is trying topick up on you, even if she doesn't! (well,personally I believe all women want me for my sexybody and usually when I use the techniques, theyDO!) I think what surprised me the most is thatthese work with women I JUST MET! I thought I'dfind it easier to learn C+F from an angle...somelike to bust on women's looks, her clothes,etc...but I took the approach of accusing her ofbeing obsessed with me...it works! I also find iteffective to turn around some common things men dofor women...like I tell women to buy ME dinner,buy ME gifts, take ME out, pick ME up, etc. I loveit! I have so much more fun now and there's nofear in talking to women anymore... its great.I know you dont like relationship questions butI'm going to ask anyhow. Is it necessary to tonedown the cocky+funny when you two becomeboyfriend/girlfriend? (not cut it off completely,but tone it down) And second, how do you respondwhen women start challenging you back? (hersaying: "you couldn't handle this" for example) Iknow you shouldn't turn wussy but I dont have agood response to her turning it on me...which Ilike the challenge of it but I'd like to know somegood comebacks. Thanks a million Dave! GT fromTennessee

>>>MY COMMENTS:Nice!Those are some GREAT "one-liners" you shared.Some are personal favorites of mine... and someWILL BE SOON.I really dig the whole "You couldn't handlethis" concept.I personally love to say, "We'd fight all thetime... and I'D WIN". That's a big winner. Try itout...I also love the idea of using genderstereotypes, turning gender stereotypes around,using them as comedy, etc...You can combine this idea with a "setup"-starting out sounding like a Wussy, then going ina completely different direction right at the endfor effect.

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Example:You say to a really attractive, interestingwoman something like, "You know, you really seemlike a smart woman... you're obviously moreintelligent than the average girl..."Then you say, "And since you probablyunderstand men better than most women, you'veprobably already realized that you being a woman,and me being a challenging man, YOU COULDN'THANDLE THIS!"Ohhh, I love that kind of thing!The magic of a setup like that one is that sheBEGINS to think that you're a Wussbag from hell,but when you get to the end of what you're saying,she realizes that you were saying somethingCOMPLETELY DIFFERENT.What you were REALLY saying is, "I understandthat most guys act like Wussies and give youcompliments, but the fact is that any compliment Igive you is sarcasm, and, in fact, you reallycouldn't handle me... because you didn't even seeTHAT coming!

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So, what is it about this kind of approach andhumor that makes it SOOOO special and wonderfullyeffective?Answer: It says SO many things at the same timethat are all "the right thing"...In other words, instead of trying todemonstrate that you're not a Wuss, that you'refunny, that you're smart, that you "get it", andthat you don't NEED her... you can just use acomment like this one.Good stuff.Now let's talk about your questions...You asked if one should "turn down" the Cocky &Funny once you get into a long-termrelationship...I personally think NOT.Why would you?If you've found something that works, why wouldyou stop doing it?In fact, I've seen SOOOO many situations in mylife where a guy started out doing all the rightthings, then after "getting the girl", and windingup in a long-term relationship, they change whatthey're doing, become boring and predictable, andlose the girl because they became dull and lame.As you know, I'm kind of violating one of myrules of thumb, and talking about relationships...but since I'm at it, I'll make a few morecomments...

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Have you ever heard things like "relationshipstake work" and "you have to put a lot into arelationship if you want to get a lot out ofit"...?I'm sure you have.MOST guys interpret this to mean that after youget into a relationship you should start doingwhatever your girlfriend/wife wants you to, andnot argue with her.In other words, most guys think that "put a lotinto a relationship" means "turn into SuperWussand kiss as much ass as possible so you won't getinto trouble".I'm sure you can tell just by the way I'mtalking that I don't think this is a particularlysmart way to go about things...In fact, if you want to wake up one day in thefuture with an unhappy, unsatisfied, complaininggirlfriend or wife, then start using thisparticular approach.If a woman "falls for you", then that MEANSSOMETHING.It means that whatever you were doing at thetime WORKED.Now, if you were being Cocky & Funny, then thatwas working.So keep it up.

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An exception: If you were chasing a woman forten years, buying her thousands of dollars worthof gifts, flowers, and dinners, and one day shefinally "decided that you were good marriagematerial" and she finally "gave in"... then don'tlisten to what I just said.In fact, if you are in the above situation, youare probably beyond help, so delete thisnewsletter right now, and don't read any further.It will only depress you and mess up your"nice" relationship...On to your second question (the one I like bestanyways):"How do you respond when women start challengingyou back?"Why do I like this question best?Because you're missing something...If you start challenging a woman and teasingher, and she starts challenging you back, IT ISON!Game on, dude!Didn't you see Top Gun?She just ENGAGED.She just joined you in YOUR REALITY (for thosewho don't know what this means, refer to myAdvanced Dating Techniques program... this is aKEY concept for attracting women).Most guys interpret a woman challenging themback as her saying "I don't find you interesting"or "You don't impress me".It's usually exactly the OPPOSITE.When a woman teases or challenges back it meansthat she's INTO IT.She's saying, "Oh yeah? Bring it on... let'splay!".On the "surface" she's saying "You couldn'thandle this", but on a subtle level she's saying"I have received your Sexual Communication, and Iam transmitting on your frequency... let's rockand roll".

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So, how should you handle it?Try this formula:1) Pause.2) Slowly wrinkle your brow and smile smugly.3) Pause.4) Keep looking her in the eye (don't flinch).5) Say, "Oh, you think? What, I'd get bored thatfast? You're probably right..."Are you with me here?TURN UP THE VOLUME.The game is now officially ON, so PLAY BALL.The great thing about a situation like this oneis that she is HELPING YOU dial up the chemistryand sexual tension.She is making it MUCH EASIER for you to makeher feel ATTRACTION for you.These are the types of situations that oftenend with "And at the end of the night she suddenlyjumped on me and ripped my clothes off...".I'm not kidding. Not at all.But if you flinch and let her know that shejust disturbed your composure, you are TOAST.It's all over.This little moment of truth can take things tothe next level FAST... or it can end your chanceswith her INSTANTLY.When a woman challenges you back in a Cocky &Funny way, she has just pressed the acceleratorpedal to the floor.She just upped the ante.She pushed all her chips in to see if you'regoing to puss out and fold.She's not wasting any time... she wants to knowif you are MAN or BOY.If you casually chuckle to yourself inside andmentally say to yourself "what a cute littlebratty girl" and then bust on her, you'll win.If you get nervous and slip, you'll lose.Here's another insight for you:This kind of woman is the MOST FUN to bearound.But she's also the biggest challenge.She'll keep testing you over and over and overagain... relentlessly.And just when you thought it was safe to pullback to "nice guy", she'll be off like a shot.Gone.

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Read what I have written to you, grasshopper...and take heed.I have lost many a hottie because I didn't "getit" when it came down to one of these situations.Learn from my mistakes.Be the guy who casually stands there with onehand behind your back blocking all the punchesfrom your opponent and teasing him for being aWuss at the same time...Not the guy who's sweating his ass off andflailing around like a child who's gettingfrustrated because his older brother is beatinghim up...This is Jedi stuff, man.Go watch the scene in the original "Matrix"where Neo is in the ring with Morpheus for thefirst time... watch and listen to what happens.The more you work with this material, the moreyou'll begin to have a "sixth sense" about womenand the sexual tension that's created when you usethe techniques you've learned in my AdvancedSeries......Oh, and if you're reading this right now andyou HAVEN'T gotten your copy of my Advanced DatingTechniques Program yet, then you need to go and dothat...Have you ever been to a carnival or countyfair?You know those games that you can play and wina huge stuffed animal... and all it takes is adollar or two to play?You walk over to check it out, and the guybehind the counter says "Here, watch... it'sEASY"... and then he demonstrates how to win thegame.

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You watch him with your own two eyes.It looks SIMPLE.Easy, even.Then he says, "Here, I'll even give you aPRACTICE TRY so you can try it...".Of course, on your practice try you get CLOSE,but not quite.He says, "Here, buy three and I'll give you twofor nothing'".Of course, you wind up losing your money, andnot winning anything.Now, why is it that the guy behind the countercan win so easily, and show you over and over andover how simple it is to win... but when YOU try,it's just not possible?Because he KNOWS SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T.He knows the SECRET.Well, meeting women is very similar.If you don't KNOW THE SECRET, you can watch aguy "pick up" a woman, and TOTALLY MISS the "keys"to how he did it.In fact, it's very common for me to be teasingand flirting with a woman, and have guys around meand her say, "Oh, he's just kidding" or "He doesn'treally mean that stuff"...In other words, they're standing right thereand SEEING IT WORK, but they JUST DON'T GET IT!It took me YEARS to finally "figure out thetrick", and start to GET what was going on... andwhat makes a women feel ATTRACTION for a guy she'sjust met (as well as understanding why it is thatmost women reject most men almost instantly).I've created a few programs that arespecifically focused on teaching you how to sparkATTRACTION... and how to then AMPLIFY theattraction to the point where a woman is obsessedwith you.

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In my "Sexual Communication" program, I willtake you "behind the scenes" and teach you allabout how and why women become attracted to somemen and not others... and how to use subtle bodylanguage and voice tone... along with patterns ofcommunication that most men don't know... tocreate and build chemistry and attraction withwomen.It took me many years of research, testing, andrefining to really begin to "see" that this stuffwas going on... and I'll teach you all about itand how to use it to get better results with womenINSTANTLY.Go watch some great video preview clips of theprogram here, and you'll see what I mean:

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If you've already gone through my SexualCommunication program, and you'd like to learnmore about the technique I call "Cocky & Funny",then it's time for you to get your hands on a copyof my "Cocky Comedy" DVD/CD program.Not only is this technique FUN, but it alsocreates and builds Sexual Tension and attractionfaster than just about any other communicationtechnique.Inside this program, I'll teach you thebiological roots of humor and laughter (hint: mostof the time when people laugh, it's NOT atsomething funny... think about it)... and I'llteach you how to use humor and tension to reallyAMP-UP the attraction with women.

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And I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,

David DeAngelo
Copyright 2004 David DeAngelo Communications Inc., All Rights Reserved. David DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks of David DeAngelo Communications Inc.