Astrology of July 2024

by Henry Seltzer
editor Victor Daniel

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July is indeed an intriguing month, with plenty of outer planet input into what could pass for our simple daily lives if we were not better informed. The antics of numinous Neptune just as the month begins are but one example of its hidden complexity. On the 1st, Neptune is lying dead still in the sky in the last degree of Pisces, preparing to station to retrograde motion, exact on the 2nd. This standstill in his apparent motion makes Neptune especially powerful now, as all planets are, especially outer planets, when they station. Because this happens in the final five minutes of a degree of Pisces, at 29° Pisces 56’ we find Neptune extremely close to the Aries Point of 0° and in fact we can think of Neptune as stationing on the cusp of the Aries house, rather than being strictly a Pisces element. Of course, Neptune additionally rules Pisces, so this is a little complex. Not only that, but the Capricorn Full Moon that takes place on July 21st, does so at 29° Capricorn, therefore precisely sextile to this highlighted position of Neptune. We will have more to say about this very intense Full Moon in a moment. The other principal lunation of the July month is the dynamic Cancer New Moon on the Friday of the month’s first weekend, the afternoon of July 5th. Cancer is another sign, along with Pisces, of emotional impact and inner work. This New Moon is another strong astrological event, with transformational Pluto very much involved, and takes place at 14° Cancer 23’. This, too, turns out to be quite a special placement, being the tropical degree and minute of Fixed Star Sirius, of Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky. Sirius has the keywords: passion, creativity, and enthusiasm. This is incidentally quite close to the Sun’s degree in the birthday chart of the United States, from 1776, which we celebrate as Independence Day. Could it be that the U.S. itself is going through some profound changes at this time?

The lunation that comes along as a fulfillment of the Cancer New Moon of July 5th, namely the late Capricorn Full Moon of July 21st, is an important lunation with connections to all the traditional outer planets. Because taking place in the final degree of Capricorn, being the second Capricorn Full Moon of the summer, this Full Moon makes a close conjunction to Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. The late-Capricorn Moon also makes a strong sextile aspect to retrograde Neptune in the final degree of Pisces, and a trine aspect to the Uranus/Mars midpoint of 28° Taurus, Uranus being at 26° Taurus while Mars is at 0° Gemini. The trine from the Moon to that position of Mars is about a degree and a half, and Mars is additionally quite closely trine to Pluto in the same degree, namely 0°, of their respective signs. Mars-Pluto suggests that internal passions, such as anger, might arise and need to be watched carefully. That all these outer planets, as well as Mars, are factors in this Full Moon implies that a certain degree of transformation is in the air, which echoes themes from June and from earlier in July.

All this emphasis on Pluto, including the Full-Moon Mars at 0° of Gemini in partile or same-degree trine to Pluto at 0° of Aquarius, also brings up the ongoing Pluto square with Haumea, the Nature planet and Kuiper Belt Object currently located at 0° of Scorpio. Only discovered and named in this century, Haumea, along with its KBO planet twin Makemake, represents “profound connection to Nature” and to a species of natural law, to right action, right relationship, and truth-telling. I have been discussing these new 21st century planetary archetypes in various forums including these blog pages. In their long alignment, the Pluto- Haumea square stretches back to early 2023, when it was closely configured in the New Moons of February and March, and then on ahead to the end of the year, after mid-November. This very interesting combination of KBO planets gives us a read-out on the deceptive, contra-moral and relative un-hinged times that we are currently living through, especially in the U.S. There is a tendency in politics now to say whatever you can get away with, facts be damned. There is amassing a ton of evidence for this issue of trying to tell the truth – or refraining from doing so, going out on that limb of lies – becoming a significant motif in all kinds of ways as we peruse the current headlines. In our private lives as well, there is the temptation to see what we can get away with and the countervailing tendency to adhere to an internal moral code that derives from deep inside oneself and from nowhere else.

In mentioning Mars’ ingress into Gemini in trine with Pluto, which takes place on July 20th, we might note that there are personal planets changing signs all through the July month, Mercury into Leo, and opposing Pluto in early Aquarius, on the 2nd, Venus into Leo, and herself opposing Pluto, on the 11th, and Mercury into Virgo on the 25th. Regarding this latter ingress, Mercury in Virgo stations retrograde on August 4th, at the 4-degree mark, and subsequently re-enters late Leo for a re-run through its last decan, on August 14th then to return to direct motion at 21° Leo by the end of August. The upcoming Mercury Retrograde will be an opportunity to re-think many of July’s happenings from the contemplative attitude that Mercury in backward motion generates. This is an especially important Mercury Retrograde period because originating in the Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo, and on the same day as next month’s Leo New Moon, and because Mercury will be aspecting Pluto by quincunx as it transits back across the 0° mark of Virgo.

In closing, we might want to reflect on where our lives are currently taking us, including the life of the culture that surrounds us in which we have our social existence. There seems to be a general consensus that we live in extremely dire times. And this in particular may be coming home to us quite dramatically over the course of these summer months, beginning with the recent June lunation cycle and continuing into July and August, and then November, when Pluto and the Pluto- Haumea square are entirely prominent. We can see rather clearly, I think, where we as a society are threatened, not least by the climate crisis, with more evidence piling up every day, and yet also by pure materialism over and above common-sense morality and faith in anything non-physical. I frequently say that in this regard Astrology itself and the fact that it actually works can lead us to the realization of the mystical and the non-physical as showing up right before our very eyes, throughout our everyday lives. The catchphrase “as above, so below” is more than a simple equivalence. When thoroughly examined it has the power to ignite a philosophical revolution of values that may yet save our beleaguered civilization.

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A Stunningly Exciting and Contentious Full Moon Eclipse

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We live in perilous times, not only for the threatened individual, but for the threatened democracy that we cherish. All we can do at the moment is to keep our heads up and our eyes open and pitch in where we can. We also serve the eventual and inevitable evolution of our society by staying as alert as possible to the deeper meaning of events as they unfold.

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Please note: dates given in this column for astrological events are based on U.S. Pacific Time Zone (UTC +8), for other locations dates may need to be adjusted depending on the number of hours of separation.

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This is a summer, Aries, with some serious astrological currents swirling around you, stemming in part from last month’s high energy Solstice Full Moon in early Capricorn. Partnership considerations and also those applying to career and professional life have been on your mind, and, more importantly, in your heart. You are feeling the pull of hidden elements of your deep inner psyche, perhaps in the form of inner wounding that you are becoming more conscious of. After the Cancer New Moon of the 5th, these ruminations continue into the remainder of the July month. You are perhaps pretty sure that there is a method and an intuitional purpose to this madness, to discovering more about what drives you at times from below, as it were, and the answer is that all self-knowledge is of ultimate benefit for your evolutionary journey toward greater wholeness. Your key relationships are a big part of this month’s explorations while another transforming element is your social life and the friendships and the group affiliations that you favor. You might feel somewhat stopped in your tracks as far as outer world progress and yet there is a lot going on within you when you can tune in to the inside.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

July begins in the closing days of the previous Gemini lunation cycle, from early June, that took place in your sector of communication and learning. Your curiosity has been aroused about your situation, which inevitably contains elements of both outer world persona and inner understanding and process. There is a strong transformative factor in your life right now, based on Pluto in Aquarius and the new KBO planet Haumea in square, in Scorpio, whereby you are recognizing that your own inner values make a huge contribution to how you regard your visions and goals, as well as your societal impact with groups you favor, moving forward. The beginning of month also arrives during the darkest phase of the lunar cycle heading into the New Moon of its first weekend. This may have more to do with contemplating what was initiated in early June although you may have a lot of ideas simmering. Jupiter recently made its entry into your communication sector at the end of May and will be there for a whole year to come, so that talking, writing, and emphasizing your idea to others comes fairly naturally.

Also as July is getting started, Neptune in Pisces is standing dead still in the sky in the last degree of Pisces, preparing to station to retrograde motion on July 2nd. Saturn turned retrograde just before the 1st, and these two planets moving backward in Pisces could be an invitation to clear out residual burdens that you may have been carrying from your past. Neptune is within a few minutes of the Aries Point of 0° as it stations, influencing ideas you have of your own sense of identity. This is also an opportunity to find a bridge between your unconscious and conscious awareness so that you can better express yourself.

On July 2nd, also, Mercury enters the sign of Leo and forms an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius which emphasizes your creative drive, your self-expression and your various roles within your social circles. You may be more focused on your place within a group or a community and perhaps wanting to stand out and be appreciated for your contribution in some ways. This may continue to be an important theme as the month progresses and more planets enter the sign of Leo but for now, simply take note of what is coming up for you creatively and who you are wanting to associate with in order to situate yourself into a broader societal framework.

The Cancer New Moon lands on July 5th in your domestic sector and is aspected by both Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus so that relationships and your values are brought closer to the surface of your awareness. This is a magical time, and signals the beginning of a new cycle for circumstances of home and family, and your psychological roots. Your home or where you want to be in the world may be more important than usual and there could be a resource component influencing your decisions right now. You might be looking for more inward stability right now, making the remainder of this month an excellent time to focus on your support network or simply spend time at home with your loved ones.

On July 7th and 8th, Venus in Cancer forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Leo also forms a sextile with Jupiter in Gemini, illuminating your communications and your relational sectors. Surprises could be in store for you in these areas, or new information that informs your choices there. Autonomy could be an underlying component of what you are trying to achieve right now.

Venus enters Leo on July 11th, opposing Pluto in Aquarius until the 12th and leading up to the First Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Libra on July 13th; This sequence may turn up the volume on your various collaborations and the compromises required to make something work. A complicated relational dynamic could be emphasized around July 15th when Mars, your ruler, conjoins Uranus in Taurus. This could be especially true if you are relying on someone or vice-versa. Inequalities could become more obvious under such skies but anything that comes up mid-month could help clarify roles and expectations within your partnerships.

Mars enters into Gemini on July 20th and will be there until September emphasizing communication of all kinds along with written projects and general busyness. Intellectual work or project that requires dexterity will benefit while your ruling planet moves through the sign of the Twins.

The Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn takes place on July 21st, the second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn in a row, forming an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius as well as receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a partile or same-degree sextile from Neptune in the last degree of Pisces. This Full Moon, on the edge of Aquarius and therefore affecting your societal impact and connections, is unique in several ways. Mars, your ruler, having just entered Gemini or your sector of communication and learning, is featured through a close trine of little more than 1 degree, giving you a thoughtful and expressive time through to the end of July. Then, too, with all three traditional outer planets featured in this Full Moon, there is a lot of energy for transforming yourself into your next evolutionary stage. Whatever form this takes, the highlighted presence of Neptune on the edge of your sign in this powerful lunation guarantees that a touch of the numinous and otherworldly will be a significant part of your experience.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd in the aftermath of the Full Moon, continuing the emphasis on your creative work, your self-expression, the children in your life, and more generally what you do for fun. Things will in part feel more fluid and easy-going in spite of the heavier mood implied by all three outer planets chiming in on the Full Moon configuration. Mars in Gemini completes his trine with Pluto in Aquarius which continues to bring inspiring conversations.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th in the sector of your chart that relates to your day-to-day experience, as well as your routines and habits. This ingress of Mercury into Virgo could therefore stimulate you to look more deeply into habitual patterns that have formed over a period of years, perhaps, with an eye to keeping those you fully approve and potentially also making some needed adjustments. Although Mercury is still moving direct, it is slowing down and preparing to turn retrograde in Virgo at the beginning of August, with furth implications for reviewing and revising what you are consistently up to.

With Mars now moving through Gemini along with Jupiter, and they will collide in mid-August along with the Mercury Retrograde, there could be a lot more ideas and conversations swirling around you, in your mind and in actuality. The Sun transiting in Leo for the next few weeks could also bring a certain degree of passion focusing on what you love. The obstacle that has the potential to stand in the way of you inhabiting what feels good could be your own self-censorship or obsessions around productivity. Life is short so that it might be time to give yourself permission to dance like no one is watching and have fun doing it!

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This has been a transformative summer for you, Taurus, stemming from significant astrological energies of the previous month, and, as well, big changes in how you see your role in the world as you attempt to come at it from more of a heart space. With the advent of July, and of the Cancer New Moon of the 5th – which lands in your sector of communication and learning – you are fully occupied with the way that outer events comport to inner realities of which you are perhaps only partly conscious. This is a time when you benefit from paying the closest possible attention to everything that you can glimpse about what lies below and beyond your everyday thought process, so that you do better, perhaps, to rely instead on your intuition to see you through. It might help to journal, or to write down your dreams upon awakening. Important friends and partners could be able to help you tie it all together. The best advice is to have no agenda except to let the universe in, choosing to follow internal directives which may be taken as angel guidance. It helps to remember that Goddess is on your side, no matter what, which is so telling when you can start to recognize it.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As July gets underway, you find yourself in the closing days of the Gemini lunation cycle based on the New Moon of early June that featured your ruler, Venus. In recent weeks you have likely spent some time re-examining your values and attempting to detect how your own deeper sense of principles and inner values has been a match, or not, with what you do out in the world. Your public persona has been in transformation over this recent cycle, perhaps in ways that have been largely unconscious. These themes continue into the current month, when you are moved by an intellectual curiosity to assess what changes there are for you that are currently coming down. Jupiter in Gemini from last month’s lunation cycle has been a factor for you in this way also, bringing his over-the-top expansive presence to your investigation of values and resources. Finances are part of this, and have been subject to fluctuations, perhaps including your basic attitude toward the material side of life.

July also begins with Saturn in Pisces recently having turned to retrograde motion, with also Neptune in late Pisces stationing retrograde on July 2nd. Pisces represents the chart sector that relating to your aspirations, your dreams, and your community. Because Neptune is stationing very close to the Aries Point of 0° -- within 5 minutes of a degree – your sector of unconscious process and dream imagination is also greatly affected. Last month was, for you, more concerned with outer world concerns, while July is all about what is deep inside you.

On July 2nd also, Mercury in Cancer forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces as it enters Leo and opposes Pluto. Thus indicates a connection between the focus on your resources and an introspective look with yourself or also to your familial arrangements and your dwelling space. Your involvement in your community may therefore be shifting to more domestic and personal matters over the coming weeks. Your attention could be progressively turning inwards. Mercury in Leo opposed to Pluto in Aquarius could also emphasize power struggles within career or profession, although this could also be felt more subtly.

The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 5th in your sector of communication and learning, making for a fresh start in this area. The New Moon supported by Venus in Cancer and Mars in your sign, as well as Saturn in Pisces, creating pathways into the world for your self-expression to emerge and for potentially teaching what you know. This New Moon signals a new cycle for your ideas and the ways in which you convey them, and you could be thinking about new mediums that could help you reach more people whether online or in the world at large. One thing is certain, Uranus transiting in your sign has brought an innovative and somewhat risky edge to all that you do. There is a sextile that arises between Venus and Uranus in the days following the New Moon that might bring this out even more strongly.

Venus entering Leo on July 11th, simultaneously opposing Pluto until July 12th, could bring changes, especially concerning your domestic scene or your workspace. This could be your cue to ‘’reel it in’’ especially if you have been giving yourself away for free. Things that felt easy and even energizing at the beginning of July could start to feel a little bit more draining as you progressed through the month.

One of the highlights this month is the conjunction that takes place between Mars and Uranus in Taurus on July 14th and 15th. This may have to do with your desire to break free of something. It could feel harder to be told what to do and some of your collaborations could be strained if you are not aware of your need for autonomy at this time. You may emerge from these few days with a clearer idea of your underlying motivations and how to give yourself the space that you need right now.

The Full Moon in the final degree of Capricorn arrives on the 21st, the second one in a row in that sign. The Full Moon forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius while also receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a sextile from Neptune in Pisces. With the Sun and Moon opposed at the cusp of your solar chart Midheaven and Nadir, this brings up issues of public statement and private inner meaning along with the contrast between them. This powerful lunation featuring all three outer planets plus Mars might point to the need for compromise between inner and outer, along with the ways that your unique internal moral values are a factor in decisions related to your public persona. In many ways this could be a moment of victory when you get a glimpse of how far you have come this year especially when it comes to integrating and applying what you have learned.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd in the wake of this Full Moon, further emphasizing the above-mentioned contrast between your domestic sector, including your home and your base of operations, versus your evolving public statement. Things may be changing as far as your vocational attitudes. You could be starting to take more seriously the inner implications for your work in the world, based on your own unique evolutionary path forward. Your current resource flow, principles, and values are in some manner contributing to your vocational path, although you may feel some ambivalence and uncertainty about the future and where things are heading.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th, where it feels right at home, bringing attention to your self-expression, your children and what you love to do in your spare time. There could be new connections being forged between your ability to create and having the space to do so. Mercury is also getting ready to retrograde in Virgo early next month, which will bring some critical attention or reflection and review to the way that you create.

From the 25th to the 27th, the Sun in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini, and this could find you reflecting on values, worth and resources once more as part of a broader process taking place in your life related to wealth, resources and your internal process of intuition. You may be reflecting on what you want more of in your life.



This is a month, Gemini, for you to ponder what is going on with your connection to society and as well to friendships and groups that you favor, all in the light if the recent very potent New Moon eclipse in your social sector. That configuration from last month featured Chiron, the Wounded Healer, there, indicating that there might be reference to early childhood trauma that might come up for greater awareness and steps toward healing such issues. It is possible that old habits and the residue of undigested trauma could be holding you back from being all that you can be; if so, there is aid that is now at hand, as long as you are willing to suspend disbelief and trust in the Universe – and your intuition – to be your guide. The storied Jupiter-Uranus conjunction from last month landed in your sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, so that you might benefit from attempting to integrate the experiences from last month’s Aries lunation into this Taurus cycle, beginning on May 7th. Your inner experiences have everything to do with your outer world presence, and with how you set your intention, moving forward.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May under the waning Aries lunation cycle and solar eclipse that was seeded in your sphere of friendship and long-term goals. Being an extremely potent New Moon configuration that was also an eclipse the symbolism could reflect a locus of readjustment over the next six months heading into the end of the year. Chiron's prominence in this recent New Moon emphasizes the way wounded attachments around belonging and agency influence your approach to community. Your task at this time over the May month might be to delve down into your unconscious self in order to better understand your dark places, the residue of early childhood trauma, in order that you might heal. Interpersonal dynamics could therefore feel a little complicated, while tending to your own needs may take priority over outer achievement especially over the first two weeks of May.

On the 2nd, Pluto's retrograde station in Aquarius draws attention to a much slower structural transformation in the ideas that guide your life and shape your experience. You may feel an uptick of energy and enjoyment with Mars and Venus now in their home signs of Aries and Taurus. Both aspect Pluto in the early days of the month, which may have you reflecting on long-held beliefs that inform how you engage with others or amplify differences in values. Connections that lack joy, alignment in values, or interest may fizzle. New ambitions related to education, foreign lands, broadcasting, or spirituality could be percolating.

A conjunction between Mercury, your ruler, and Chiron in Aries is active from the 5th to the 7th. Issues of independence and cooperation may be front and center, particularly your need to think and express yourself freely. This is Mercury's third pass over Chiron in Aries due to its retrograde recovery, so that the themes may be familiar by now. That said, the specific content of what is coming up is less important than reflecting on the internal narrative it provokes. Whether or not you are ready to fully claim it, you may be known for the healing support and wisdom you offer to others.

While situations related to your social ecosystem or ambitions may feel urgent or frustrating at points in the month, it's likely they will naturally evolve in a relatively harmonious way. Peace and solitude are your friends at this juncture.

On the 7th, the Taurus New Moon plants a new seed in your sphere of nighttime dreams, spirituality, the unconscious, and inner work. Blessed by the presence of Venus and Jupiter, the lesser and greater benefics, this lunar cycle marks a stabilizing shift in tone for the year, one accompanied by Jupiter moving into your sign. Getting free isn't a mind thing right now, and trying to work everything out in your head could lead you astray, perhaps into getting stuck in old patterns. Dropping into your senses will help you stay open to whatever is coming through, with bodily intuitive and imaginative knowing. The Sun and Moon forming a sextile to Saturn in Pisces implies that growth and work that has been tucked away in your private domain may now manifest as emerging mastery for your work or public life.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th, initiating a series of connections with Uranus and Jupiter that echo their convergence just last month. A sextile from Venus to Saturn may additionally have you considering the image or values you want to present to the world. It's likely more enjoyable and realistic to just be yourself out there — and this will also help you sustain professional efforts. This is an auspicious time of intuitive downloads, spiritual insights, and private work. Anything that you are involved in could be of consequence to new developmental cycles of a lengthy arc.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo takes place in your communication sector, as Mercury joins the planetary buildup in Taurus activating its square with Pluto. This could align with intense focus on personal study or existential or spiritual matters. Mercury, your ruler, is here illuminating the connection between your mental, physical, and psychic health, including the influence of technology use. Mercury having finally escaped its retrograde shadow a few days earlier, there are new perspectives brought to bear that may relate to learning or emerging confidence about what you want to express to a larger audience.

A Jupiter Cazimi perfects on the 18th alongside Venus' conjunction with Uranus. A longer period of instability, including mental and physical health struggles or other undermining influences, could now give way to a sense of inner peace or deeper self-understanding. Outdated values, relationship dynamics, and ideas about pleasure or self-worth that feel restrictive are well and truly up for casting off.

From the 18th to the 21st, these energies overlap with Mars' conjunction with the North Node in Aries, available to boost friendship and group connections that you favor the air. This is an advantageous time to channel your enthusiasm into collaborative action or new goals, though it may be tricky to determine an appropriate level of exerting your will as you also seek to compromise with others.

The Sun enters your sign on the 20th, kicking off your solar return month, with Venus following a few days later. The emphasis on your community and societal sector may now really take shape, with social connections blossoming.

On the 23rd, the Sagittarius Full Moon arrives in your relationship sector illuminating the role of your one-on-one connections in the remainder of the current cycle. Venus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus in this Full Moon, linking partnership in your life to inner truth, as both planets connect by sextile to idealistic Neptune in Pisces. You could arrive at a profound sense of inner wellbeing and inspiration that reverberates into your partnerships and sense of calling. You may be swept up in a shared vision of stability, enjoyment, and abundance. Venus then moves into your sign, your sphere of identity, and you are left with the challenge of embodying these ideals in the material realm.

Jupiter moves into your sign on the 25th, indicating it may be time to start those things you have been excited about although not quite ready for. Themes related to last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction could come into focus again now, in another turn of the spiral. Jupiter's ingress is intensified by his simultaneous trine to Pluto in Aquarius, suggesting that your trajectory over the next year could partake of opportunities to broaden your spiritual and mental horizons. Be it with your creative self-expression, physical or bodily presentation, or matters of identity, giving yourself as much flexibility as possible will allow you to expand into a larger embodiment of yourself. Promising less and placing structure or limits on projects, learning endeavors, and commitments will help you harness your attention and curiosity in a way that supports greater integrity and depth of purpose.

The last four days of the month, from the 28th to the 31st, are characterized by a Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries that could inflame old insecurities or attachments to feeling like an outsider. While it can be vulnerable to need people, yet we do. This energy points you toward the deeper facets of your associations that make your life meaningful, active, and engaging.

Mercury meets up with Uranus in Taurus on the 30th and the 31st. This indicates a fresh and novel approach that might see you leaving the month with the kind of thrill that comes from identifying an old behavior, belief, or self-expectation and realizing you don't have to hold yourself to it anymore.

This is in some ways a difficult month, Cancer, in the aftermath of the potent solar eclipse from last month at the top of your chart, in your vocational sector. This featured a highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. The energy of this powerful New Moon therefore has healing energy for hurt places within you, stemming from early childhood, so that you do well to pay attention to these feelings if they should arise. You are also moving ahead in subtle understanding that will ultimately further your career and professional life. The strong Mercury Retrograde of the previous April month, rather than being entirely fit for direct action, was more of a chime with introspection and meditative reflection on where you might feel you have been heading. Things change with the advent of the current month, when the Moon’s last quarter arrives as a crisis of consciousness, and when Mercury is finally moving forward again, slowly recovering from the April backward movement. It is possible that with the New Moon of May 7th you will recognize hopeful signs of progress with coming to terms with whatever residue of ancient trauma might remain, on the inside, when aligning yourself with your deepest sense of principle in terms of outer world developmental progress.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

As May opens, it finds you in the final week of the Aries lunation cycle that was activated in your professional and public domain at the time last month's powerful solar eclipse. Eclipses are process-oriented, and the events they symbolize will evolve over the next six months, possibly bringing you closer to something that feels like your true calling. Because this recent solar eclipse was also directly conjunct Chiron, and elevated in your chart, the new door that is opening in your drive to self-actualize through career and profession connects also to your core vulnerabilities. If you are being called to leadership in some capacity, as well as the characteristic subject matter of your field of endeavor, that leadership must be based on self-knowledge. This may push you to confront attitudes to authority and agency that relate to family karma or early conditioning. Your conscious participation will determine the way you subjectively explore these principles or encounter them through outside forces.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius lending greater focus to your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and metamorphosis. Aspects to Pluto from Venus and Mars suggest relational and material realities place parameters on your urge to act in intimate connection and autonomously. This includes the benefits you receive and those you share with others. With Pluto magnified in its effects, you are called to attend to the uses of power in intimate relationship, or to go further toward deep connection with yourself, and likely have some work there left to do. For example, if there are secret places inside you that you would like to become more attentive of, now might be your chance. If you have surrendered your power to someone else in the past or over-leveraged your own, you could feel yourself transforming in these relationships or impulses, in alignment with your highest purpose, and find yourself now making further course adjustments.

A conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries is active from the 5th to the 7th and may call attention to your mentorship, teaching, and healing roles. The earlier Mars-Pluto sextile may amplify urgency in working life or in collaborative scenarios, but in another way there is no need to rush. Reflection over reaction is the preferred course when you can pull that off, and will help you determine what is happening now and what old story you may be projecting onto it. While you can't rationalize your way out of how you feel, healthy emotional or physical catharsis and direct communication will prevent explosive conflagration if pressure has been building.

The Taurus New Moon on the 7th opens a fertile cycle in your sector of community and long-term goals. This is productive of better valuations of long-term goals as you perhaps strive for a better alignment with your deeper principles and values. The presence of Venus and Jupiter, rulers of the New Moon and Full Moon, emphasizes harmonious and constructive growth within your interpersonal landscape, possibly following a period of instability. You may carry an air of visibility or authority right now, with some social or professional influence. Associations that share common ground or new ambitions you are working towards may be fortuitous at this juncture and could set the tone for some years to come. The luminaries aspect Saturn in Pisces by sextile, indicating this evolution aligns with recalibration in your broader life or spiritual philosophies, teaching, or travel.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. You being exactly you will attract the connections that are right for you—just be flexible about the way opportunities and allies show up. This begins a series of reverberations connected to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that extend into May. Life will show you what long-term goals and connections may not need to be carried into the future. You could feel a little overstimulated, but your zest is high

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo indicates topics connected to your self-esteem and personal resources, including time, energy, and skills, could feature in your considerations. Mercury joins the planetary buildup in Taurus on the same day, applying to a square with Pluto, active until the 18th. Mercury having escaped its retrograde shadow a few days earlier, conversations may more easily get to the heart of an issue and things begin to move forward.

A Jupiter Cazimi arrives on the 18th alongside the second day of Venus' conjunction with Uranus. Release of outdated social obligations or criteria about how and with whom you spend time may lead to unexpected friendships or activities. It's a lucky day to socialize and begin things with others — your widening network may include mutually beneficial associations that help further ambitions, new love interests, and creative connections.

These energies overlap with Mars' conjunction with the North Node in Aries, in the air from the 18th to the 21st. You have the drive and energy to channel your enthusiasm into effective action, particularly in professional matters. You might need to beware of steamrolling over others. That could happen if you may feel hungry to get your own thing happening, with little tolerance for what feels restrictive or at odds with your independent trajectory.

The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, signaling a turn from the highly social and visible sectors of your solar chart to the solitary. Take time out to process and take care of yourself

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your mental and physical health and a need for meaning in your day-to-day work activities. These considerations influence how you interact with others, and you may feel pulled by the excitement in your social life and the call to tend to your inner world and routines. As the lunar cycle culminates, Venus and Jupiter conjoin in Taurus, both connecting to Neptune in Pisces by sextile. You may be particularly magnetic, with romance, compassion, and creativity magnified. Inspired dreams for the future may connect to your spiritual or global consciousness, learning, or travel. The highlighted presence of Pluto in Aquarius, your intimacy sector, leads to further transformation in this area of life.

Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 25th, where it will spend the next year in your sphere of the subconscious — inner and spiritual exploration offers a path of fulfillment and meaning. This transit can magnify undermining influences and unconscious patterns in a way that demands you to attend to them. Behind-the-scenes projects are supported, and you may find great enjoyment in spending time alone and off in your own world. Your mental environment and the way it shapes your wellbeing and experience of the outer world may be emphasized, including the effects of technology use. Mediative practices of self-observance will help to address a busy mind and connect to a deeper sense of intuitive knowing beyond the chatter

Jupiter's ingress is intensified by an immediate trine with retrograde Pluto, calling for cultivation of awareness about less conscious patterns that inform the way you engage here. This may amplify matters of personal evolution, death, and intimacy alongside more tangible forms of energy exchange, such as money and contractual matters.

The last five days of May are also characterized by a Mars-Chiron conjunction in your professional sphere alongside Mercury's conjunction with Uranus. Unexpected news may aggravate old insecurities or feel like a direct attack on your individual selfhood. Inner reflection and curiosity will help you clarify what is happening inside of you and what is happening around you. Talking to friends can bring fresh perspectives or innovative solutions

Much opportunity is coming in through your social circle and professional domain this month. Wise use of will, broadening your frameworks of understanding, and connecting to your integrity and inner authority will aid these developments.

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This is another significant month for you, Leo, in the cycle following last month’s powerful New Moon eclipse from April 8th. This took place in your sector of Higher Mind, signifying a thoughtful approach to your most fundamental beliefs and worldview, plus travel or educational plans, all of which might be affected by the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and the Mercury Retrograde. You are feeling a big push to venture into these areas further than previously, in order to inhabit your most authentic self-concept. This could be accompanied however by elements of self-doubt stemming from inner wounding, the residue of undigested early childhood trauma that could potentially be holding you back. The recipe here is to begin to pay loving attention, without shame or holding back, to the walled-off hurt places within you. In another astrological indication, you also likely are observing many and varied opportunities with career objectives, and will profit mightily by staying open to new possibilities. By mid-month, new vocational initiatives beckon and good progress is likely. The First Quarter Moon of the 15th represents a growth spurt, with attending conflicts that will likely find their resolution by dint of diligent effort.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Last month's Aries New Moon and solar eclipse seeded an important new cycle for you involved with your sector of higher learning, beliefs, and travel — and this is the site of a developmental turning point that will play out over the next six months. This New Moon featured a highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, so that you might be continuing in this May month to better integrate within your evolving consciousness difficult experiences of inner wounding that could be linked to new adventures of self-discovery. There could be continued healing throughout the May month related to a novel exploration of the ideas that guide your life and shape your experience.

On May 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in your opposite sign of Aquarius, drawing focus to your realm of relationships and the much slower deep evolution that has begun with regard to your sector of partnership. Sometimes topics of love and relationships will be an ambient hum in the background; other times, you will receive direct information if a situation or approach is not accounting for your growth. In all cases there will be a slow application of a transformative process with respect to your relationship dynamic.

With Venus back in her home sign of Taurus and sitting at the most visible angle in your chart, you may have extra public or professional influence and allure this month. Separating from a square to Pluto in the first few days of May, tensions between your career and partnerships could be amplified, including their influence on your public identity or reputation. A sextile to Pluto from Mars in Aries from the 1st to the 5th may energize overseas plans, matters of education, and other quests for meaning. While action is empowered, Pluto's influence may thrust something concealed from you into the light through the relational realm as the old rubs up against the new.

From the 5th to the 7th, a conjunction between Mercury in Aries and Chiron could call attention to limiting beliefs, inadequacies, or experiences that have left you wondering where you stand with things existentially speaking. This is a call toward the pilgrimage of life, where exploring different cultures and systems of belief and knowledge may help you reorient your compass. Your mentorship, teaching, and healing roles may also be a focus now.

On the 7th, the Taurus New Moon arrives in your sphere of career and professional life. While it may take some time to bear fruit, what is gestating now relates to an expanded sense of meaning or purpose in your worldly activities. Changes in your professional domain may have thrust you out of your comfort zone or pushed you to redefine your worth and security. The presence of Jupiter and Venus, the greater and lesser benefits, in this same sector indicates you have opportunities for recognition, enjoyment, and achievement this month, which may have longer-term influence. A sextile from the Sun and Moon to Saturn in Pisces draws attention to your sphere of intimacy and joint enterprises, suggesting projects, contractual negotiations, and investments that could successfully come to fruition. You may want to reflect on the fact that there was a new 14-year cycle that opened just ten days before the beginning of May, in last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus.

On the 12th and 13th, the Sun, your ruler, conjoins Uranus in Taurus. Even the best-laid plans can be disrupted when Uranus is in the mix. It's a good time to connect with your highest aspirations and be flexible about how they show up. Loosening your grip on strict codes of conduct, your image, or concern for the opinions of others may be enlivening. A sextile between Venus and Saturn also points to the easing of constraints, possibly related to financial concerns, obligations to others, or a challenging period of internal growth. Perhaps you are considering the influence of family karma or early conditioning, including your attitudes toward authority and embodiment of your own.

The First Quarter Moon in Leo on the 15th takes place as Mercury enters Taurus, applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 19th. This could align with intense focus on a team effort. There could be a difficult balance to strike between cooperation and independence. You may feel pulled between your professional life, personal aims, and partnerships as you consider significant life decisions. You may become better known for something you do; your honesty and integrity are important, and your partnerships may need to reflect that in order to be fully viable.

Venus conjoins Uranus on the 17th, and then the 18th, the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi. This is a valuable and magical time for your vocational developmental issues. Your work relationships, public image, or values may be in flux or even show signs of dramatic change. This could catalyze variations in a long-established approach. People are drawn to you around this date; you are perhaps acknowledged for your expertise, and unexpected opportunities, romantic interests, or influential connections might cross your path

A Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries is activated between the 18th and the 21st, energizing ambitions in your sector of expanded horizons, both intellectual and physical, that may relate to your professional life. Pioneering a new path requires intellectual independence — and this may require a new level of deprogramming from unexamined dogmas or socially sanctioned dictates.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of community and long-term goals.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your sphere of creativity, children, and joy as the culmination and fulfillment of the Gemini cycle. Venus also exactly conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus, as both planets sextile Neptune in Pisces, at the end of your sector of intimacy and joint assets, and the beginning of your higher mind sector; both of these are affected. You might find that you find a heightened sense of prosperity, be it in your material circumstances or connections with others—perhaps you are prioritizing your family, fun, or an artistic pursuit. Simultaneously you could be launched into a new, more idealistic and fuller sense of worldview and as far as educational or travel prospects.

This last week of the month may be a good time to invest in creative and collaborative projects, which could find success or reach a larger audience. You also likely have the skills, connections, and resources to do what you need to do, these developments with your social realm and life ambitions.

Jupiter follows Venus into Gemini on the 25th, where the social and playful side of your life offers opportunity, meaning, and lively discourse over the next year. Whether online or in person, this period may expand the reach of your voice and engagement with different concepts, groups, and collaborations. Embracing the Jupiterian path of curiosity and generalized agnosticism about your social identity, the types of people you surround yourself with, or the ideologies you espouse will be more fun. This may prompt you to express yourself in new ways and extend your bonds of connection and experience.

The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all connect to Pluto by trine as they enter Gemini from the 20th until the end of May, empowering this new period of expansion in your personal circle and evolving life dreams and connecting these developments to changes in your realm of love and relationships. This period could see meaningful partnerships come into your life that reorient your trajectory or help you along it.

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This is a confusing month, Virgo, with many variables, as the astrological indications reveal. Your ruler, Mercury, still recovering from its recent retrograde, is part of a gathering of planets from last month in your sector of intimacy, depth exploration, and partnership agreements. Your focus and attention is therefore divided, perhaps pertaining to the influence and contributions of others rather than strictly yourself. On the other hand, as is fully in line with your own evolutionary development, you are made increasingly aware this month of what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche, affecting your most fundamental beliefs and worldview. It is also possible that inner wounding could come up for you, as suggested by the potent presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, featured from last month in this same delicate area of your chart. As May continues to unfold, you could find yourself still dealing with this residue of ancient trauma. If such is the case, the best way forward might be to accept rather than shun these flawed and strange parts of yourself, reaching downward with loving comfort and assurance. The woundings of early childhood never completely vanish, yet with care and attention they become far more manageable, and even an asset.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

As you enter the May month you find yourself in the in the waning days of the Aries lunation cycle, which began with the extremely powerful solar eclipse from last month in your sphere of intimacy, partnership agreements, shared resources, and personal transformation. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, was extremely highlighted in this eclipse configuration, indicating that all these areas could be affected by core wounding or learning from that in dealing with this type of inner work, and that such learning has a role in the initiation of this new pathways forward involving the exploration of your depths. Becoming more conscious of patterns that shape this aspect of your life will empower agency in your connections with others. This may also connote a deeper metamorphosis through releasing existential or karmic burdens that were serving to anchor you to the past, thereby making important movement forward with your evolutionary development.

On May 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius. Standing still in the sky, the agent of transformation draws attention to the much slower evolution process now underway in your sphere of daily work, service, and health. Aspects from Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries as you enter the month may amplify this lag as faster developments in your life and perspective draw up against mundane responsibilities you are bound to. These aspects may intensify fundamental differences in values or issues of reciprocity, both energetic and material. A sextile from Mars to Pluto may empower physical activities and sexual drives between the 1st—5th. However, health flare-ups or boiling over resentments may thrust less conscious baggage or imbalances in your intimate or business relationships into the light

From the 5th to the 7th, your ruling planet, Mercury, conjoins Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, or your intimacy sector, exact the late evening of the 6th. This depth aspect may stir up wounds stemming from early childhood related to embodiment, self-confidence, or authority within the complicated terrain of intimate, material, and energetic exchange. The remedy of loving acceptance and delving down into your own unconscious process involves intuitional understanding fully as much as more logical detective work. In the process you may learn to acknowledge your vulnerabilities and accept care from others — and to advocate for yourself more confidently. It might be Ok to let people know how much you need them. Journaling or other ways of self-seeking and psychological excavation may get to the root of something big as long as you allow that to happen.

The Taurus New Moon lands on the 7th and opens up a new lunation cycle in your sector of higher learning, beliefs, and travel, which was also the site of last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The Uranian process of breakdown to break through is still in progress and could be continuing to confront you with challenges that test your faith and understanding of life’s unfolding process. An experience of surrender now might put you more closely in touch with your spiritual nature or a more profound sense of abundance through your connection to the earth. Much is generative about this new cycle, which is uplifted by the presence as well in your higher mind sector of the benefics Jupiter and Venus. It could be a favorable time to launch or invest in things you want to grow, including your beliefs and worldview, which implies your happiness, knowledge, and experience. The Sun and Moon are forming a sextile to Saturn in your opposite sign of Pisces, so that your committed partnerships may provide a supportive anchor or perhaps relational restructuring that in turn gives you greater freedom to expand your own horizons.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th, the same day as Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow. Along with the awareness that things can move forward now with greater stability and assurance of direction, comes therefore the Uranus effect of radical shift in fundamental beliefs or self-concept. You might even momentarily feel more free from the need to please others, or gain some self-recognition as a leader by further awakening to your own potential

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo indicates changes in your belief system could prompt deeper shifts in your psyche or take you closer to your essential nature. Transformation in your educational path or plans abroad may be complicated by day-to-day obligations. Mercury joins the stellium in Taurus on this same day applying to a square with Pluto, so that transformation, including changing habits, comes very much into this picture.

Venus conjoins Uranus on the 17th, and the 18th, in Taurus, corresponding to your higher mind sector, and there is also on the 18th a magical Jupiter Cazimi in Taurus. Liberation from outdated dynamics or values could expand your kinship with others through cooperative efforts or shared interests, and you are taking this good energy into career and professional goals. Foreign travel or new paths of education and spirituality also offer meaningful expansion and joy. People may be drawn to you today; you could be acknowledged for your expertise or attract the support of people in influential positions. Unexpected opportunities arise, romantic connections are important new teachers as they or mentors cross your path.

From the 18th and the 21st, Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries, exact on the 19th, and this could energize collaborations and contractual matters. It may also amplify any intimacy issues where you are reaching out for a more definitive and purposeful role.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, announcing the beginning of an emerging focus on matters of career and public profile.

On May 23rd, the Sagittarius Full Moon lands in your sector of home and family as the lunation cycle culminates. This indicates that your emotional focus swings in part to familial dynamics, your physical dwelling space, or issues of family of origin. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus so at the edge of your public sector of career and professional life, as both planets connect to Neptune in late Pisces. Intimacy issues abound. Progress on a shared dream or an unexpected gift or inheritance may see corresponding shifts in your living situation or family life. Perhaps you are adopting a more compassionate mindset that deepens familial bonds or lightens some karmic baggage. Prioritize what brings you meaning and joy, including matters of love, social connection, and acts that reflect your broader ethics or worldview.

Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th. Topics related to your career or public participation offer a path of meaning and opportunity at this time, as you shine in outer world participation and honors. It might be that you will recognize how you can now take what you have been learning in your sector of higher mind and begin to put it into action. This new emphasis in Gemini, your fellow Mercury-ruled sign, may also see you significantly widening your scope of expertise through further training or expand the reach of your ideas and communication. Jupiter's entrance is empowered by a trine to Pluto in your communications sector, suggesting progress in your career may empower your daily work with purpose, or you could receive wider recognition for efforts you have been slogging away at for some time.

From the 28th to the 31st, there is an interior mandate that pulls you to depth within your psyche. Intimacy issues are really up for you as Mars conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, in your sector of close connection and personal evolution. The release of pent-up emotions as you can manage that may be essential and will in any case be cathartic.

On the 30th, and the 31st, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus signals a wilder ending to the month than you perhaps had planned. A shift in your mindset could prompt realizations of a cosmic color and allow you greater freedom in the way you make sense of the experiences of your life. Jupiter in Gemini further emphasizes how all the different things you have recently learned converge into a unique whole — and equip you with a perspective that may also be helpful to others around you.

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This is another month relating to partnership in your life, Libra, in the wake of the recent powerful solar eclipse in your opposite sign. That Aries cycle is continuing to play out in the present month. Then, too, among the areas of your life that are affected by the May 7th Taurus New Moon and the subsequent 30-day cycle are intimacy and partnership agreement. It seems true then, that the influence of others is thus a huge life factor for you right now. Mercury has been retrograde all through April, and is slowly recovering for the first two weeks of May, so that you continue to be deeply introspective and questioning regarding partnership factors. The exploration of your own depths remains another key area of great consequence in this somewhat chaotic May month. There is also to be considered the potent presence of transformative Pluto in your self-expression sector, indicating that a thorough-going metamorphosis of your creative channels continues and even accelerates. You might be well-advised at this time to just let go, and, while keeping your eyes wide open, just allow the universe to guide you through to your next evolutionary stage. Your commitment to service is strong, and to a sense of life purpose that surrounds you now, to positive developmental effect.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May in the final week of the Aries lunation cycle stemming from the potent solar eclipse that was seeded in your opposite sign representing your partnership sector. This is the site of a developmental turning point related to the Aries-Libra eclipse cycle that began last year and will not close until 2025. Also in this May month, as Mercury recovers and your process of meditative review and questioning eases, your inner values are being explored and updated. Because of the extremely highlighted position, in that recent eclipse configuration of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, a new cycle of love and relationship is being launched, continuing into the present month, that depends on your deeper knowledge of yourself and your wounding as you can come to that. You might be feeling your inner guidance offering you healing through resolving old patterns of pain that could be tied to your sense of independence and individuality or its lack.

On May 2nd, Pluto's station to retrograde in Aquarius or your creativity sector that also references any children in your life, puts attention to the deep growth process you have been involved in for the past year or more in this important area. Aspects to Pluto from Venus, your ruler, in Taurus, and also from Mars in Aries, operating from the 1st to the 5th, emphasize the connection between concurrent cycles of change and growth within your realms of collaboration and partnership, both business and intimate. Pluto's influence may empower efforts related to shared resources, creativity, sexuality, and children. However, it could also amplify complex interpersonal entanglements or non-negotiables by thrusting issues you have been avoiding into the picture. This may be a powerful week for clearing something old that is tied to the beginning of a new pathway forward for you that aims to expand your pleasure and passion in life.

A conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries is active from the 5th to the 7th, emphasizing a process of cleansing and renewal through the relational realm. Honest conversations and self-advocacy could help clear some energy from your system. Supporting your own and others' needs to individuate will deepen closeness and allow for freedom and complexity. This may require a conscious approach to long-established patterns that shape your relationships.

The Venus-ruled New Moon takes place in Taurus on the 7th and initiates a new cycle in your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and personal metamorphosis. This may herald an emerging sense of harmony or stability within your shared material circumstances or close bonds following a period of change, uncertainty, or loss. Much is generative about this brand new Taurus lunation cycle, which is additionally uplifted by the presence of the benefics Jupiter and Venus. Be it for matters of the heart, investments, or personal growth, what is gestating now might flourish and support happiness and prosperity. A sextile from the Sun and Moon to Saturn in Pisces offers a level of moderation, and suggests this might relate to something you have committed significant energy and devotion to and that thus temper the potential for Jupiterian excess in these relationship or personal matters.

On the 12th and 13th, the Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus and the unexpected becomes the order of the day. Your drive toward personal empowerment or breaking free of stifling situations could be high at this timing, perhaps referencing a confining interpersonal or contractual dynamic in your search for freedom. Whether a personal pattern, or in matters of sexuality, the release of built-up tension offers revitalization and an awakened sense of your own potential. Shifts in your own self-concept could free you from the need to please others and see you through to embodying leadership roles. A sextile from Venus to Saturn also points to the alleviation of challenges that may have felt restrictive, possibly related to your health or obligations to others.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo may see adjustments related to your friendships, collaborations, and long-term goals within the current lunation cycle. Mercury enters Taurus the same day, finally finished with its retrograde shadow. Mercury is also applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 17th. Creative differences or shadows around communicating your desires or pleasure-seeking may come to light, possibly related to debt, fidelity, or unmet needs. Topics could include creative projects or your children, if you have any, and may prompt serious consideration about inner work, resources, or your family karma.

Venus conjoins Uranus on the 17th and also the 18th, the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi. This is a truly magical time, when you will likely be in thrall to intimacy needs or your personal drive for evolutionary progress. Today favors spontaneity and experimentation. Your optimism and self-confidence could be high, or you may be recognized for your ability to lead cooperative efforts. You may attract unexpected opportunities and support, including from figures in influential positions or possibly a financial boost through a legacy. Harness your magnetism to pitch an idea or go after something you have been dreaming about.

The Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries on the 19th is activated between the 18th and the 21st, which may see great energy and enthusiasm devoted to a shared goal. Your evolutionary call is the work of individuation within closely merged bonds—conflict may focalize your position on something and catalyze change if a relationship is prohibitive to that.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of higher learning, beliefs, and travel.

On May 23rd, the May lunation cycle culminates in the Sagittarius Full Moon thatb illuminates the significance of your sphere of mental facility, curiosity, ad learning. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus as both planets also connect to Neptune in Pisces, via an exact sextile. This speaks to higher mind, as well as to the resources needed in order to materialize your inspiration successfully. All manner of associations, such as friends, business contacts, collaborators, or romantic connections are supported. Joint ventures or investments might start to develop, with a flurry of communications also possible. You could begin learning something new or forge new beliefs in line with your most deeply personal sense of your ethics.

Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, fostering an expanded experience of life focalized through the spectrum of mind and understanding. There could be a restless search for meaning that takes you on many different adventures over the next year, in both the physical world and the world of ideas. Matters of education, spirituality, overseas travel, broadcasting, and teaching offer a path of meaning and opportunity to engage your talents. Jupiter amplifies rather indiscriminately and could also illuminate certain entrenched beliefs or judgments you are ready to let go of.

From the 23rd until the end of the month, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Gemini all connect to Pluto by trine, empowering this new period of expanded horizons and connecting these developments to your desires or a sense of falling in love with the world. Topics of children, creativity, or fun could be significant to evolving plans or relate to deeper transformation in your psychology or guiding beliefs.

This is an amazing month, Scorpio, of seeing life circumstances as filled with numinous meaning. A mystical consciousness has invaded, stemming from the potent eclipse energy from the previous month, in your sector of work environment, health regimens, and day-to-day habit patterns. As the retrograde of Mercury winds down over these first two weeks, these areas have been up for review and introspective questioning. Your creative self-expression has renewed commitment that is coming to you in part through partnership connection. The May 7th New Moon represents a fresh start, with new ideas and relationship plans coming fast and furious that affect your life purpose and large shifts in your habitual patterns and at the very core of your being that are continuing to be felt. You dwelling space or your family dynamics could be transforming, including perhaps your family of origin, and these changes can feel fated, as part of a larger cycle of self-development and enhanced sense of moral compass. All in all, you have a lot to handle, and you do well to trust your own intuition plus that of trusted partners in your life, while remaining as open as you can to your potential for meaningful change.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May in the waning light of the Aries New Moon lunation cycle, which was begun in last month’s recent solar eclipse in your sphere of health, daily work, and service. This is therefore the site of a developmental turning point that will unfold over the next six months. Because the eclipse featured the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, this cycle, continuing into the present month, could have stirred up past wounds or vulnerabilities tied to your sense of daily accomplishment and how you care for yourself and others. With an Aries stellium in this eclipse configuration, Mars, your ruler, was another featured element, indicating that this recent New Moon might have also opened a door for healing through the initiation of a more dynamic and embodied experience of daily life.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius at the very bottom of your chart, associated with family, home life, and the deepest parts of yourself. Standing still in the sky, the agent of transformation draws attention to the much slower process of regeneration at your roots. A separating square from Venus in Taurus to Pluto over the month’s first few days links developments in your partnerships to this evolution.

Mars, your ruler, forms a sextile to Pluto from your sector of physical wellbeing and daily routines from the 1st to the 5th. Having moved through some complicated territory in Pisces last month, Mars now leaves his recent conjunction with Neptune straight into his home sign of Aries. This presents a minor indication that your mojo may be returning, in revised form, yet still frisky. At least you can now complete work, house, and health activities in a reasonably straightforward manner. These aspects from Venus and Mars to transformative Pluto at the beginning of the month could stoke the fire of passions or emphasize a clash around reciprocity or needs for security and independence.

Mercury conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, from the 5th to the 7th, possibly bringing issues of health to the forefront. A conscious approach to the inner programs governing how you distribute your energy will empower agency and help you identify unhelpful habitual patterns and self-attributed burdens. However, release and regeneration will likely not come through your mind alone; emotional or physical purging of trapped emotions will also prove to be purifying.

On the 7th, the Taurus New Moon arrives to brighten your sphere of partnership. In the wake of last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction from April 20th, changes unfolding within intimate or business relationships might have propelled you into uncharted territory yet are likely pivotal to this new 14-year cycle between these planets, aimed toward greater fulfillment. Much is generative about this brand new lunation cycle, making for a fresh start in your relationships from friends to romantic, and including business partnerships. All are potentially uplifted by the presence of the benefics, Jupiter and Venus, serving as archetypal bookends for a stellium of five planets in your opposite sign. This juncture could mark a transition towards a more stable phase of the year. It's a favorable time to set things in motion. There is additionally a sextile from Sun and Moon to Saturn in Pisces, which suggests the involvement of creativity, children, and joy, where delays or challenges there signify increased serious commitment. Progress may now meet with strengthened resolve.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. Change continues to be the path of least resistance and the most growth at this juncture — grasping tightly to the old will in any case prove futile. A sextile to Saturn in Pisces from Venus in your opposite sign suggests this is about taking responsibility for your happiness. Desires and creative gifts you have kept hermetically sealed may hold much potential.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo brings the influence of your career and public image into the equation. Mercury enters Taurus the same day, applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 17th. With your influential fixed-sign angles activated, unyielding tensions between vocation, relationships, and home life may be emphasized as you consider significant life decisions. Today might illuminate unexamined factors about the roles you take on in the world and you could find yourself asking where are you in all of this?

On the 18th, Venus conjoins Uranus in your opposite sign, the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi there. Unexpected or sudden developments in relationships, love, sexuality, and money might launch you into a new future. Relationships must have enough space for both parties to grow individually and together, and these matters may be catalyzing forces. It's an auspicious day for attracting what you want or making breakthroughs through creative experimentation. Steps taken toward joint ambitions could foster new partnerships or have long-term influence.

A Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries is activated between the 18th and the 21st, motivating your daily work and health routines with some larger purpose. It's a good time to clean out a mental closet of dysfunctional habit and implement something new. You benefit by going with your gut; spontaneous action may take you closer to your desire. However, sharpening your instincts requires that you differentiate what threats are real and what just feel like threats. Today might also call for something physical along the lines of running like you're being chased.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your resources, gifts, and values as the lunation cycle finds its culmination. Venus conjoins Jupiter as both planets connect to Neptune in Pisces across your spheres of partnership and self-expression. The tension of merging is being revealed in the Full Moon. You might find yourself inquiring What is yours, and what is ours? Neptune in Pisces is the dream, Sagittarius is the inspiration, and yet Venus-Jupiter in late Taurus makes it real. What is developing within your realm of relationships can ground and grow a romantic and creative vision. Venus forms a trine to Pluto which gets stronger later in the day, indicating that complications around home concerns reflecting issues of partnership may come up and seek a solution. Some needed assistance may become seen and therefore more readily available.

Jupiter ingresses Gemini on the 25th. While a pragmatic approach to finances is wise when Jupiter is involved, your investments, intimate relationships, and joint efforts offer avenues of purpose and growth over the next year. You may be even more curious about the hidden parts of life, delving deeper into subjects like the occult, sexuality, psychology, and the nooks and crannies of your psyche with greater openness. Upon Jupiter’s entry into Gemini, his trine to Pluto empowers both planets. Thus, from the 23rd till the end of May, your foundations and shared resources may draw much attention.

As the May month nears its ending, on the 29th, a Mars-Chiron conjunction overlaps with these transits at the end of the month, which may intensify focus on confronting and overcoming personal limitations or illuminate more obsessive approaches to your body or environment. With Jupiter now in your sphere of personal transformation, there could be a willingness to let a fresh breeze blow through some of your closely held patterns and pain, including resolutions around family conditioning and karma. Emphasizing duality and cohesion, this could be about healing through curiosity and friendliness to all parts of yourself without the need for reconciliation or justification.


This is another month of diving within, Sagittarius, and of exploring new directions in your ongoing surface life together with what is going on deep inside you. This could manifest as a balancing act of finding your way forward in terms of normative situations and yet also alignment with inner principles and profound moral compass. The powerful Aries solar eclipse from the previous month which included a highlighted presence of Mercury in retrograde is continuing to play out in the current one, so that as you continue to question your sense of your creative projects, and your evolving identity, you are also starting to see a new stage beginning to emerge. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction from last month also remains prominent, with a significant sense of novel beginnings still unfolding. Also up for you as the month gets underway is your contribution to society and how you handle your friendships, group associations and future goals. Inner intuitional understanding combines with outer performance. In the timing of the Full Moon in your sign of May 23rd, you will be taking serious consideration of partnership in your life, another form of balance, as you continue to explore your own unique passions and life direction.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter the month in the wake of the Aries lunation cycle, which was initiated by a solar eclipse conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, that took place in your sector of creative self-expression, joy, and children. Chiron's prominence at the seeding moment of last month’s eclipse suggests that this new cycle of growth could also be tied to insecurities or core wounds related to your expression of your creative self, your desires, and, potentially, any romantic leanings you may have going. Connecting more deeply to joy, creativity, and pleasure may be one beneficial result of your meditations and self-reflection now. Your path of development might be also a path of healing, when you can take the time and have an open-minded attitude for pursuing such objectives.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius, your communications sector pertaining to your mentality, curiosity, learning, and local environment, calling attention to the much slower structural transformation that might only be just beginning in this area. As compelled by revelation or crisis, you may be observing meaningful shifts in your attitudes, ideas, and modes of expression as you communicate with others and recalibrate the ways you attempt to sort out and perceive the world.

Your sense of dynamism and action could be given a boost with Mars and Venus now back in their home signs of Aries and Taurus this month. Both aspect Pluto in the early days of the month, which may empower action on something that has been percolating in the realm of ideas. You might be diverting significant mental energy to creativity aims, children, your daily work, and health.

Between the 1st and the 5th, a sextile from Mars to Pluto as the month gets underway empowers creative and sexual drives. However, less conscious baggage or relational imbalances may come into the picture, including the frustration of material demands that require you to sacrifice enjoyment and creative fulfillment.

Mercury conjuncts Chiron in Aries, also, active from the 5th to the 7th. With Mercury still recovering from its recent retrograde, you are reflecting on the pattern of the past that has been emerging, with an idea for progress into the future as the month continues to unfold. Your heroic path lies in recognizing and taking possession of your own creative gifts and desires. While there is a lot of mental emphasis right now, you might not be able to think your way out of this one. Included might be blockages to creativity or pleasure. Your body and intuitive instincts have an intelligence all their own, and know their ways. If you need to get your energy moving, methods such as automatic writing, journaling, or other forms of spontaneous self-expression, playfulness, or physical release may accomplish that.

On May 7th, the Taurus New Moon lands in your sphere of health, daily routines, and service to others. This New Moon is coming on the heels of a last month’s Aries cycle featuring the storied Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in this same area of your life — which is now being re-stimulated. Changes in this area of your life, including health challenges, may act as catalyzing forces for growth. You could discover that faith is a powerful force that can motivate unwavering optimism and effort. You may now have access to an inspiring vision that brings purpose to your work and new habits to your personal life. A sextile from the Sun and Moon to Saturn connects to this process a certain level of restructuring in your realms of home, roots, and family, where the rewards of something you have sacrificed for or struggled to overcome may now be emerging. What grounds this new cycle is the presence of Venus in the stable earth sign of Taurus, along with Jupiter, your ruler, suggesting this path you are setting out on supports you quite well, bringing happiness and abundance.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. Despite your normally quite broad perspective, there could be places where you have become stuck in dysfunctional habits or obligations to others, and these Uranian transits may free you up. Myopia breeds in the mundane acts of repetition often required by daily life, and the ongoing Uranus emphasis in this sector continues to be your breath of fresh air.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo influences your sector of expanded horizons, either spiritual, physical, or intellectual, which may provide an impetus for plans and adjustments you are making to transcend unnecessary limitations. Integrating wisdom might sometimes require you to take your ideas and ideals out of the realms of abstraction in order to embody them in real life. Mercury enters Taurus on the same day, applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 17th. Real freedom right now may be freedom of thought. This requires your conscious participation to take back your attention from the many forces of distraction and take back your mind from habitual programs running there.

A Jupiter Cazimi perfects on the 18th alongside Venus' conjunction with Uranus. Your daily life not only requires meaning, but beauty. The solar rebirth of your ruling planet as it prepares to leave your sphere of work, health, and service offers revitalization — as though you're off on a new adventure. There is a sense that you take the wisdom of what you have experienced in these realms forward and let the Sun's rays burn up the burdens you don't need to carry into the future. This may include beliefs or values that don't feel good to actually live up to, including rigorous standards for your physical body, creative work, relationships, or productivity. Today is an auspicious day to spend time doing what you love or try an entirely new approach to something you do daily.

These transits overlap with a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries, which is activated between the 18th and the 21st. The effect of actions taken during this time may be amplified, so channel your energy into things you want to get moving and pay attention to opportunities, ideas, and people who cross your path. The metaphysical message is that of creative and sensual liberation — conforming to rules set out by others or even yourself may get in the way of your flow.

The Sun enters your opposite sign, Gemini, on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of partnerships, both intimate and contractual.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd brings your identity expression, physical body, and trajectory into the equation as the lunar cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter as both planets connect to Neptune in Pisces across your spheres of daily work and home. Be it related to your home, the work you do there, or your family, an aim that is taking form may not only bring coherence to your daily efforts but is likely personally fulfilling. This could also relate to progress in health matters. There could be some pull between your needs and a partnership that may take increasing focus, further emphasized by Venus moving into Gemini later today.

Jupiter enters your opposite sign of Gemini on the 25th, where topics of partnership, love, and collaboration are grounds for experience and opportunity over the next year. The emphasis on liberation and growth within the Venusian realms may now emerge as changes in how you connect deeply with others. This may see you experimenting with different people and ways of being in relationship or align with important new business or intimate partnerships, and developments in current ones. It will likely become even more necessary that your connections are meaningful.

From the 23rd till the end of May, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all aspect Pluto by trine, in early Gemini, suggesting relationships could powerfully expand your perspective and empower learning and communication projects. This connection between mental expansion and partnership is further implied by a conjunction between Gemini's ruler, Mercury, and Uranus in Taurus on the last day of the month — a new paradigm may be taking form in the profound realms of your mind.

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This is an interesting time of fascination for what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche, Capricorn, due to the concentration of energy in your domestic sector as a result of last month’s powerful solar eclipse, applying to familial dynamics, your dwelling space, issues of family of origin. With Mercury recovering from its retrograde, you are continuing to spend time reflecting upon these fundamental life factors, conceivably colored by revelations of inner wounding also present. In the current month you are slowly emerging from the ups and downs of that previous cycle, and perhaps still dealing with long-buried childhood trauma. The best approach here is to acknowledge such wounding as present, not to avoid as embarrassing evidence of being flawed, but rather to be accepted, being kind to these cast off parts of yourself. In this May month also, there might arise a type of internal moral understanding for being honest with self and other. By doing the right thing by those around you, you are thereby fulfilling a fundamental commitment to yourself. Your creativity is sizzling lately, and all the more so, the further you can cast aside any blocks to fully inhabiting your authenticity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May under the energetic tides of the Aries lunation cycle, which was initiated by a total eclipse New Moon that conjuncted Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of home, family, and the deepest parts of the self. Chiron's presence suggests that inner wounding could come up for you, continuing into the present monthly cycle, and yet that there are also opportunities for healing such issues or at least for making progress in that direction. This new developmental cycle of may demonstrate further links between vulnerabilities stemming from early childhood and present day experiences family or ancestry. Eclipses are process-oriented meaning that events begun last month will evolve over the next six, and that, in particular, for May you are still integrating recent developments that will continue to affect you over the summer to come. These may guide you to strengthen your foundations and to ultimately establish a deeper sense of safety and belonging.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius intensifying the transformation that is already going forward in regard to your resources and feelings of self-worth. Pluto will briefly revisit your sign in September, but is essentially present now in Aquarius for the remainder of the decade, and beyond. Having largely shifted focus from who you are, and how you identify, the planet of metamorphosis now has its energies aligned to what you have — your assets, values, and skills and how you wield them. Aspects from Venus and Mars to Pluto as you enter the month suggest powerful emotions could arise so that you might want to mentally hold off from blurting something out that you will regret later on. Matters related to children, home, and leisure may also arise for consideration of what is most important for you as a priority. While action is empowered, Pluto's influence can potentially thrust less conscious material into the picture. You might want to recognize that you relinquish agency when you allow others to dictate your value. You may excel in a job or project by meeting external standards, yet your integrity depends on what you can manage while living by your own code.

From the 5th to the 7th, Mercury conjuncts Chiron in Aries, and you will likely become even more thoughtful about inner issues that could be disturbing your peace of mind. Following the Mars-Pluto sextile, challenges to your sense of foundational or financial security could illuminate a need to separate your identity from family conditioning and your domestic roles. This may also bring up a deeper sense of existential loneliness or alienation, which may motivate you to learn more about your heritage or create your own family culture with chosen kin.

The Venus-ruled New Moon in Taurus on the 7th initiates a new cycle in your sector of self-expression and joy — chiming in certain ways with last month's wild Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The presence in Taurus of both benefics, Venus and Jupiter, may emphasize harmonious and constructive growth related to your artistic practice, romance, or any children you might have. This is a favorable time to launch or invest in things you want to flourish, and feeds your overall happiness. The Sun and Moon forming a sextile to your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces allows the knowledge you have acquired plus your communicative outreach to others to provide structure for your ambitions and your creative projects to take form.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and the 13th. The solar rebirth of Uranus in your sphere of joy offers the type of liberation that makes you feel young again. Pluto's recent journey through your sign could have had the ultimate effect of lightening your load, freeing up space in other parts of your psyche for inherent beneficence to come through. The metaphysical message at this juncture is to take responsibility for your happiness and your gifts.

Mercury joins the planetary buildup in Taurus on the 15th, applying to a square with Pluto, which is active until the 17th. Budgeting and spending could be a priority, or you may be strategizing about monetizing a creative skill. Perhaps you are thinking about the allocation of your time, energy, and enjoyment — something you can easily accomplish or enjoy doing may be valuable to others.

Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 17th and 18th, followed by a magical Jupiter Cazimi, also on the 18th. The radical creative awareness offered by Uranus inspires nonconformity and may be disruptive if you cling too hard to established patterns. This day favors spontaneity and experimentation in matters of art, relationships, and pleasure. While the caveat with Jupiter is to exercise moderation, the planet's rebirth in the heart of the Sun may align with a revived sense of purpose or confidence to go after something you desire. Unexpected doors might open.

A Mars-North Node conjunction takes place in Aries from the 18th to the 21st, energizing aims connected to family, property, and your living situation. Events could have you a little hot-headed, or you could be feeling a bit obsessed about doing things your way. While your family bonds and origins may be intrinsic to your sense of self, you may need to sever some umbilical cord to the past and pioneer a new approach to home, family, and emotional stability.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of daily work, health, and service.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your sphere of dreams, spirituality, and the unconscious as the lunar cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus as both planets connect to Neptune in Pisces, in your sector of the mind and local environment. Romance, compassion, and creativity, along with day-to-day environment and habitual patterns may be magnified today. However, your mental health or shadows around excess could also come to the forefront. You could think about the subconscious sector of your chart as an artist's studio — a place of retreat where you can go to create and recharge. While you may be pulled by the tasks of the day or fun plans, try to spend some time alone as there is much intuitive and imaginative support on offer there to get you into a generative flow state.

Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, where it will spend the next year in your sector of daily work, health, and service. There will be opportunities for success, new experiences, and enjoyment in this area of your life, but you may need to broaden your scope to recognize it. The question of purpose is now directed at your day-to-day responsibilities. You could be compelled by a goal that gives your efforts meaning or disillusioned by the mundane if this is lacking. Jupiter in Gemini offers gifts of versatility and curiosity, which may motivate entirely different routines, approaches to health, or changes in your work — the challenge will be to channel your focus. Jupiter's transit may also magnify dysfunctional patterns, unnecessary obligations, or health challenges, which may act as catalyzing forces for growth.

The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all connect to Pluto by trine as they enter Gemini. This powerful air sign activation suggests you could be diverting significant mental energy into your daily work or learning a skill, which may boost your income.

These transits overlap with a Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the final day of the month, further suggesting that you are being jolted out of some cognitive complacency. This may align with unexpected news or a clarifying realization. Either way, you are being steered toward a future that may be motivated by different ideas that support more enjoyment and meaning in your daily life.

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This is a month of questioning and searching, Aquarius, and of also coming to a better understanding of your fundamental core values. You are continuing to transform in your sense of basic identity and life direction, which at this point in time has a lot to do becoming more aware of who you are below the surface, in the deeper parts of your psyche. You are also involved in connecting to your goals in a way that reflects only your own most profound principles and values. Personal evolution is your watchword. Based on the solar eclipse of the previous month, You have a frank unconscious commitment toward speaking your truth no matter what. This could come in handy now, as you sort through your priorities attached to who you really are. With the Taurus New Moon of May 7th, which took place your sector of dwelling space, familial dynamics, and your psychological roots, including your family of origin, you are making a fresh start in these areas. The Sagittarius Full Moon of May 23rd represents the fulfillment of that cycle, when your goals and values are really up for you, and when you might start to more completely trust your intuition to guide you through.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May under the waning lunation cycle seeded at last month's Aries New Moon and solar eclipse in your sector of the mind, communication, and local environment — the site of a developmental turning point that will evolve for you over the next six months. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, being highlighted in this recent and extremely potent New Moon implies that what might be linked to this new adventure of self-discovery are difficult experiences or inner wounding, which offers healing through learning, exchanging ideas, and re-examining the lens through which you experience the world. Transformational Pluto, prominent this month in your sign, and also highlighted in this recent cycle, signals that fundamental changes to your self-concept are still taking place during the present month.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde, magnifying his effects, as he prepares to make his final crossings back and forth over your solar ascendent later this year, between September and November. His location remains with your sign for the following two decades. The Agent of Transformation will be affecting your body, identity, and personal trajectory over this period, and most especially now, in these months of his final entrance into Aquarius. This might be felt like a cataclysmic shift, although at other times may recede to a background hum. In any case, certain things you may have felt very sure about — and that your identity has rested upon — could be shifting quite dramatically.

Over the first few days of the month, a separating square from Venus in Taurus to Pluto in your sign, draws focus to a concurrent shakeup in the root cellar of your chart, governing family, home, and the deepest parts of your Self. Developments in your domestic realms are linked to personal growth, so that a tension between these influential sectors of your chart could be magnified as you enter the month, where aspects of your home life may not offer the same comfort of the familiar.

From the 1st to the 5th, a sextile from Mars in Aries to Pluto in your sign empowers learning and communication, connecting personal developments with a new quest for meaning and knowledge.

There is also a conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries that is active from the 5th to the 7th, which may call attention to limiting beliefs, cognitive challenges, or painful experiences that have changed your perspective. This may propel efforts to reeducate yourself or express your voice differently. Talking things out with someone you trust will bring a helpful viewpoint. Be it now or in the future, what's coming up may relate to teaching and healing roles you are being initiated into.

The Taurus New Moon on the 7th takes place in your foundational sphere, putting the focus on home and family, for a fresh start that could include your dwelling space, family dynamics, or your family of origin. The presence in this New Moon configuration of Jupiter and Venus, the greater and lesser benefits, suggests that what is gestating now may nurture a stronger sense of meaning and enjoyment within your familial bonds or home life. The sextile from the Sun and Moon to Saturn in Pisces suggests that you have the skills or assets to support emerging ambitions. Perhaps this also connects to shifts in your values that are more supportive of the emotional and embodied realities of your experience. The Taurus sign is also the site of a new 14-year cycle opened at last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This is also related to your family, living situation, or property, and is a generally positive development that still reverberates into the present month.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. You are being tasked with self-definition within the roles and relationships of your domestic life and the conditioning of your family of origin. This may feel threatening to the security of those around you, but it is largely non-negotiable.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Leo takes place, affecting the key relationships in your life. This “crisis in action” indicates snags and pitfalls, perhaps related to partners, that have come up in the intervening week since the New Moon cycle from May 7th, and could align with the ongoing intense focus on topics of home, family, and your personal trajectory. Mercury enters Taurus later on this same day, applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 17th.

Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus, on the 17th, and the 18th, the same day as a magical Jupiter Cazimi takes place in your home and family sector bringing unexpected positive developments or good vibes within your domestic sphere. It's a good day to spend time with your loved ones and invest in things that bring you joy and comfort at home — your values, relationship dynamics, or tastes may be in flux right now, perhaps you are enjoying different things.

Between the 18th and the 21st, a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries is activated which might prove energizing for aims connected to learning and communication. This aspect might also indicate that you require a level of deprogramming from unexamined beliefs or social mandates. You might find yourself reflecting that pioneering a new pathway forward requires intellectual independence.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of pleasure, creativity, and children.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your sphere of community and long-term goals as the lunation cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus as both planets form a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Evolution in your life, living situation, or family may require new visions of the future. Perhaps this now calls for an initiation back into community after defining yourself in a new way. You likely have the connections and abilities to manifest goals that are emerging, and it's a good time to put your energy into them. This may be about expanding your bonds of kinship beyond your domestic sphere by sharing something of your own.

Jupiter ingresses Gemini on the 25th, where it will spend the next year in your sphere of joy, children, and self-expression. The creative, romantic, and playful side of life offers opportunity, meaning, new experience, and lively discourse over the next year. Jupiter's entry is empowered by a trine from Pluto, which remains in aspect throughout the end of May. As you change, the things you love and the ways you are called to express may also be in flux; perhaps you are more open to exploring the sampling platter of life's many joys right now. This Jupiter-Pluto connection also points to a more existential question — that of your right to be happy in this life

The final days of the month are also characterized by a Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries on the 29th and a Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 30th. Reorienting to past pain may require you to cut away some of the ideas and attitudes that have become simply habit and basically not enhancing your life. This could also be so that unexpressed parts of yourself have space to come forward. You could be being tasked with the path of the artist in the most fundamental way, by recognizing that life is a creative act and joy can be a revolutionary one; these might offer generative grounds for discovering a more whole expression of yourself.

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This is a month of expanded prospects, Pisces, and of feeling your way into a better understanding of what is required for living your life to the fullest. You are in the process of revising your attitude to your finances and other significant resources as you explore a dynamic worldview that derives more directly from your own inner knowing. While in some ways still reacting to the very dramatic New Moon eclipse from last month in your resources sector, this May month finds you refining your awareness of your inner needs and perhaps revising your attitude toward the material world itself. In many ways you are entering into a new evolutionary stage. It might be said that “mankind does not live by bread alone,” and equally that pure logic tells only part of the story of your choices now. These descend as well from mystical realities dimly perceived yet very real. The May 7th New Moon in your communications sector of articulation, curiosity and learning opens doors within you that come strictly from your own unique way of seeing. The Sagittarius Full Moon of the 23rd represents a culmination of this arc of internal development uniting head and heart as you make new strides on finding your forward.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May in the waning light of the Aries lunation cycle, which began last month with the total eclipse in your sector of personal resources, values, and self-esteem. This eclipse also featured a powerful presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Your resources sector is therefore the site of a developmental turning point that will evolve over the next six months. These two lunation cycles, last moth’s and this month’s, which begins on May 7th, are linked in several ways, including Chiron's prominence, which indicates the potential for core wounding to arise for eventual greater awareness and integration. Adversity has a role in the initiation of this path, which offers healing through redefining your values, self-worth, and relationship with money.

Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 2nd, increasing his transformational impact, drawing attention to the much slower growth it is driving at the deepest level of your psyche. Pluto's heightened presence may show up as an outside force or within your psychology; either way, fundamental change could be putting you in touch with something essential about yourself and your spiritual nature.

It may feel like things are finally moving this month, with Mars and Venus having just entered their home signs of Aries and Taurus. Venus separates from a square to Pluto in the first few days, connecting two concurrent cycles of evolution within your conscious mind and subconscious realms. This may bring mental health to the forefront or have you concentrating deeply on a subject. Note that if you are obsessing over something, it might be helpful if you can give your mind something neutral to get absorbed in.

Between the 1st and the 5th, a sextile from Mars in Aries to Pluto in Aquarius may have you forging ahead and also feeling on the cusp of change on matters related to your assets or skillset.

Mercury conjoins Chiron in Aries from the 5th to the 7th, possibly stirring up vulnerabilities or a painful experience that has affected your self-worth and security or material concerns that hinder independence. Overlapping with that Mars-Pluto sextile, this could signify a more primal fear of survival and the precariousness of things you cherish. What's coming up may relate to teaching and healing roles you are being initiated into.

On the 7th, the Taurus New Moon opens a new cycle in your communications sector of mental process, curiosity, and learning. This is also the site of last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Something may have disrupted your regular programming by altering your outlook or unsettling your inner peace. This lunation offers fertile ground for the seeds of curiosity being planted now, which may be of longer-term influence. Uplifted by the presence of Jupiter and Venus, it's a favorable time to begin things you want to flourish, including aims connected to learning and communication. A sextile to Saturn, halfway through its work in your sign, suggests you possess the fortitude to materialize your ambitions, which offer a structure to channel your energy through.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. Your conceptual maps may no longer match the territory you find yourself in. This calls for different ideas and ways of thinking and a level of deprogramming from unexamined beliefs or social mandates. While this may challenge an old self-concept, it will awaken you to your potential. A sextile from Venus to Saturn in Pisces indicates there may be alleviation around a challenge you have worked hard to overcome, which now strengthens your sense of self and equips you with the gifts of experience.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo suggests potential conflicts perhaps involving readjusting your schedule to devote effort to new projects or developments related to your work or the service that you give to others. Inner transformation may propel efforts to reeducate yourself or express your voice differently, bringing depth to your communication with others. This time may align with action on something that has been percolating in your imagination. Mercury joins the stellium in Taurus applying to a square with Pluto, active until the 18th, and this might increase your awareness of compulsions you carry or changes continuing to take place.

Venus conjoins Uranus on the 18th, the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi. The rebirth of Jupiter offers revitalized purpose and optimism through the broadening of your perspective and the burning up of confining ideas. Perhaps you are looking at things through a more spiritual or philosophical lens, and a new teacher or concept inspires you. Liberation from outdated dynamics or values may expand your connection with others who share your interests within your local environment or online. This may align with creative breakthroughs in communication endeavors and a generative exchange of ideas.

From the 18th to the 21st, a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries takes place that may energize matters of resources and skill development with a sense of mission. This could relate to establishing financial independence or reorienting how you allocate your time and energy.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, signifying an emerging focus on family, home, and roots.

The Sagittarius Full Moon of the 23rd illuminates the significance of your career and public image as the lunation cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter as both planets connect to your ruling planet, Neptune, in Pisces, putting pressure on your significant areas of identity, home, and career. Something formless that has emerged in a very personal way may now be taking shape as you connect the things you are learning to what you want to offer to the world. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, rulers of the New and Full Moon, suggests you could attract support for your ideas or a creative project, which may find a larger audience or further professional ambitions. This may also align with an uplifted state of mind after a period of depression or anxiety.

Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, where topics related to family, home, and roots are grounds for meaning and opportunity over the next year. This may open a busy and social period in your home sphere, with important developments around family or property and changes in how you organize and participate in domestic life.

From the 23rd till the end of May, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all aspect Pluto by trine as they enter Gemini, connecting your inner transformation with this new emphasis on home and family. Perhaps things are moving forward after a period of stagnation, bringing renewed hope or lightening some karmic baggage.

This powerful air sign activation overlaps with a Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the final day of the month, pointing to the progression of changes in your perspective and new aims connected to learning and communication, which may now motivate developments in your home sphere. This may see you studying from home, learning more about your heritage and culture, and expanding your bonds of kinship within your home and local environment.

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