Here are our Full Membership Privileges!
Private Email
On becoming a member, you are given your own email address. No other member has access to your private email. EliteMate members can come to to check their private email and send email from EliteMate's site. This feature allows our members the total privacy, freedom, and comfort to communicate with other members without giving out their regular email address. EliteMate members also have the option of blocking a person's email as well. Our site entirely supports the sovereignty of its members.

How to use?  Log in at, do a Search For Mates or Username Search and there you can email another user.  After you email them you can then go to your Mailbox and view your Sent Items to see if the user opened your email.

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My Online Friends 
My Online Friends gives an EliteMate member the ability to view the people he/she has added to their friends list that are currently online. By double clicking on their friends user name in the My Online Friends section automatically initiates an instant message with that user.

How to use? Log in at, do a Search For Mates or Username Search and there you can add users to your Elite Friends List.  When these users are online they will show up in My  Online Friends.  Double click on their username and you can instant message them.

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Instant Message
This feature allows members to speak one-on-one with other members. This feature resides on so that no other member will have your Instant Message handle. All instant messaging is done privately on EliteMate's site.

How to use? Log in at, then go to Who's Online and press the Instant Message button on the users profile you want to speak with.  You can then initiate an instant message session with him/her.  You can also do a Search For Mates or a User Search and if that user is online you can press the Instant Message button to chat with them.  Another way to use the instant message feature is  in a chat room.  Highlight the user who you want to instant message and press the private message button and you can instant message them.

  Click Here To Upgrade And Utilize All These Features!

Astrological Compatibility Feature
Experience our unique way of measuring your compatibility with other members. Any member can compare himself or herself with another member astrologically in a manner that is very easy, understandable, and practical. How? By comparing your astrological information (date, time and place of birth) with that of another person who has caught your interest. So, even before you email or instant message a member you can get another perspective about your compatibility. This is done with seven bar graphs each with a score ranging from 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) respectively measuring the compatibility of 1. Sex; 2. Finances; 3. Career Support; 4. Long Term Compatibility; 5. Communication; 6. Home & Family; and 7. Average of the six prior categories.

How to activate it? Log in at, go to My Profile and press the Edit button on the top of the screen, scroll down to the area where you can fill in your astrological information, check off activate astrology and fill in all the necessary data (if you do not know your time of birth leave it blank) and press submit on the bottom of the page to finalize the changes.    

How to use?  Log in at, do a Search For Mates or Username Search and there you can compare yourself to others astrologically.

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Chat Rooms 
Chat with Elite Members in public chat rooms with various different interest categories to select from, for example: romance, friendship, marriage, gay, straight, lesbian, etc.

How to use?  Log in at, then go to Live Chat or Chat and enter the chat room of your choice.  When you are in a chat room you can chat with the group or instant message people one on one.  You can also view the profiles of all the members in the chat room.

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Video Profiles and Email

This feature allows you to do a search for mates and view video profiles of other members.  It also allows to send video emails you create to other members of

How to activate it? Log in at // with your username and password.  Click on My Profile on the upper left hand side in the My Menu area.  Then click on Video Profile and paste your video code in the video submit area.  Our video system is based on YouTube technology so Your video will then be viewed by all the elitemate members that meet your age range, location and sexual orientation.

How to use?  Log in at, go Search For Mates, and then select to view any user's video profiles you like.

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Elite Friends List
This feature allows you to select and bookmark friends on a list that is easily accessible.
How to use? Log in at, do a Search For Mates or Username Search and there you can add users to your Elite Friends List.  Once you added them they will show up in the My Menu area under Elite Friends and there you can view them  and utilize your Elite Friends as you see fit.  Once you add a friend to your Elite Friends list and they will be notified by email that you book marked them.  This is great flirting device.

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Quick Search 

This streamlined search tool uses the following criteria: gender, sexuality, age range, state, profile with photo or without photo, and profile creation date.

How to use? Log in at, do a Search For Mates and fill in the necessary information.  For example, I am a Man looking for a woman between the ages of 25-35 in NY with pictures profile only.

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Full Search
This tool for in-depth searches scans the database of Elite Members using the following criteria: gender, age, state, hair color, eye color, body type, height, ethnicity, languages, education, income level, drinking and smoking habits, marital status, children, profile creation date, and saving option for search criteria. The saving option allows you to refine the criteria you are looking for in an EliteMate.

How to use? Log in at, do a Search For Mates and then press Full Search button.  Once you are there fill in the detailed screen asking you what specific criteria you are looking for in a mate.  After you fill it in press save and then press the Search button for a Full Search.

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Elite Greeting Cards 
You can send an electronic greeting card to any member, selecting from many different greetings. This feature lets you to send a special, personalized greeting to any Elite Member of your choice.
  How to use? Log in at, then go to Send An Elite Card in the My Menu area on the upper left hand side.  Then select a card you wish to send to another user, type in their username and the message you wish to send.

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Who's Online

Allows you to view all the members that are currently online. This feature lets you know who is around so that you can initiate an instant message session to chat with members who are currently online if you so choose.

 How to use? Log in at, then go to Who's Online and there you will be able to instant message, email, send a greeting card and compare yourself astrologically to any of the users listed there. 

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Personality Matcher

Enables you to compare your personality with other EliteMate members.  You compare 20 self-rated attributes of your personality to 20 self-rated attributes of another member's personality. This feature then calculates a score from 1% to 100% compatibility to give a member a deeper perspective into the relationship.

How to activate it? Log in at and go to My Personality and fill in the quick questionnaire, press submit to enable this feature.

How to use? Log in at, then do a Search for Mates and there you will be able to compare your personality with other personality enabled members. 

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Get 20 Free Gifts When You Upgrade
(over $1850  in added value is built into your super low membership fees!)

EliteMate's Upgraded Membership Privileges:

1  Send Unlimited Emails
2. Send Unlimited Instant Messages
3. Multiple Chat Room Access
4. Astrological Compatibility Feature
5. Send Unlimited Greeting Cards
6. Free 25 Page Personalized Astrology Chart
7. World Wide Singles Vacation Calendar
8. Weekly Night Club Calendar
9. Friends List
10. Monthly Horoscope Reading
11. World Wide Search Engine
12. Who's Online
13. Video Email and Video Profiles
14. Personality Matcher

15. Chat Room Hosts

We hope these features empower you to have a great time and create elite relationships in your life!

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