The August month arrives in the wake of the Cancer lunation cycle from the previous month with the especially powerful Full Moon from July 21st that featured a highlighted presence of transformational Pluto. There is quite a lot of change going on right now, both in our individual lives, and, as well, in the life of the collective around us. Certainly, the presidential race here in the U.S. has shifted dramatically since that recent Sunday. As August gets underway, this cycle has a few days left to run, leading up to the LeoNew Moon of August 4th, and the simultaneous retrograde of Mercury that same evening. These astrological events are really both happening all during this upcoming Sunday, since Mercury standing at a virtual stand-still in the early morning New Moon configuration already has the retrograde characteristics of missed connection, mechanical breakdowns, and meditative review and questioning of where it is that we are currently heading in our lives.
It is an interesting question to raise as well, as to whether the strong presence of Pluto that we see going into this month might continue as a theme throughout, and the first positive evidence on this issue is that the lovely Venus in this August 4th New Moon configuration lies at 29° of Leo, therefore in close minor aspect, a quincunx, to the 0° Aquarius position of the Lord of Death and Rebirth. Neptune too, at 29° of Pisces, remains in sextile to Pluto, making a yod to Venus. Also, we find the new 21st century Nature planet, Haumea, having proven to be quite potent in chart work, at 0° Scorpio, still in her long running square with Pluto. Interestingly, expansive Jupiter at exactly 15° of Gemini in the LeoNew Moon configuration, makes close sesquiquadrate aspects to both Pluto and Haumea creating a sesqui-yod to Jupiter from the powerful energies of Haumea and Pluto. Therefore, this August month of Mercury Retrograde seems to be a continuation of the strongly transformational characteristics of the previous month of July. For better or for worse, you could say that we ain’t seen nothing yet.
Speaking of the potential upside, what we can do, entirely to our benefit during this Mercury Retrograde that is almost upon us, is to take a good hard look at what is going on for us below the surface layers of our psyche. The inner world is difficult to access, and yet our dreams can help to take us there, and our intuition, plentiful in this time of Uranus sextile Neptune, strong Pluto, and Mercury Retrograde. The timing of the retrograde basically embraces the whole August month, from the 4th to the 28th, with the two-week period of the post-retrograde shadow that follows, as Mercury gradually straightens out, finishing by September 11th.
The First Quarter Moon of the 12th, what Rudhyar called a “crisis in action,” pits the LeoSun against a ScorpioMoon, or outer versus inner realities. It might be that what we feel on the inside is not a graceful match with our surface world agendas or its logic.
The other major lunation configuration of this exciting and consequential August month is the AquariusFull Moon of Monday the 19th, which is also, incidentally, the start day in America of the Democratic National Convention. Retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun in this Full Moon, so that the unusual may take center stage. The killer aspect in this Full Moon is a partile T-square from Sun and Moon in their opposition both in square with Uranus at 27° of Taurus. Then too, Jupiter in this Full Moon exactly squares Saturn in Pisces, signaling political changes in the works and the collision of the ideal versus the practical. There could be surprises, and unexpected realizations, and we won’t really know what these might be until we get there. The 3-degree gap to the following signs of Virgo and Pisces is also evident, which again stimulates the Pluto- Haumea square that remains active through to the end of the year. It’s an exciting and, as well, a fundamentally introspective month that we have going.
With all the tension in the world scene right now, including the viciously divided polarity of the political parties in this country, and the wars raging in Europe and the Middle East, it is easy to yield to the temptation to curl up into a little ball and hide under the bed. But subtracting yourself from the action will not ultimately help the world, or even yourself. We must somehow nevertheless get going, whistling through the darkness as we can muster it, and proceed just as though the Universe was right there on our side, guiding us on. As indeed it is.
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The New Moon arrives in purposeful Capricorn on December 23rd at 2:17 am PT, inviting us to wind down the year with a balance of contemplation and celebration. This New Moon strides into its exact position just after the Capricorn Solstice of the 21st, the turning point of the seasons and an important juncture. In this subsequent New Moon, we find the Sun and Moon... Continue Reading
The upcoming Full Moon culminates in the airy realms of Gemini, arriving in its exact position on December 7th at 8:08pm, Pacific time. Minds may be set ablaze, and communications colored by a fiery intensity around this Full Moon time. This is due to Mars’ presence making a very nearly exact conjunction to the Moon and opposition to the Sun. Mars is well... Continue Reading
The New Moon in Sagittarius ushers in a new lunar cycle with the buoyancy and expansiveness that is emblematic of this mutable fire sign. This New Moon comes into exact position on November 23rd at 2:57pm, Pacific Time at 1º + of Sagittarius. This also marks the end of the Scorpio-Taurus eclipse season, although the intense energies and events of the last 30... Continue Reading
Tuesday morning’s Full Moon eclipse, taking place on November 8th and coincident with Election Day in the U.S., is quite the super-potent astrological event. That is because as the Sun and Moon oppose on another in a total lunar eclipse – with a blood red Moon where visible – they also conjunct other planetary bodies that hold enormous portent... Continue Reading
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This is another month, Aries, when your astrology partakes of the mystical, and the mystery, which is neither all good nor all bad. You benefit from taking a philosophical stance and a big picture viewpoint. Transformation, introspection, and an otherworldly perspective are part and parcel of your way forward. Trials can turn into lessons as your reward for a calm attitude. The LeoNew Moon of Sunday August 4th, the same day that Mercury stations retrograde, makes for a generally thoughtful time, good for new vision, and yet not well suited for getting things accomplished. You can try staying the course with established plans, or research the future, although it might be bet to refrain from starting any new initiatives without contingency plans. The First Quarter Moon of the 12th is likely to be another time when you are inspired and yet somewhat stuck in the execution, with the next few days of that week also being difficult. The powerful Neptune presence implies fantasy vision that can turn deceptively into a different version of reality that you were first imagining. The late AquariusFull Moon of the 19th is more than a little wild and unpredictable. By watching and waiting, however, you can learn a lot from this problematic and tricky monthly period.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
Heading into August, you have been dealing with internal matters, home and family dynamics, as well as the transformation of your group alliances, friendships and goals for the future. The August 4th New Moon in Leo brings fresh incentive for creative projects, romance, pleasure and self-expression. Mars and Jupiter currently in Gemini link up positively with the New Moon which means things should feel relatively fluid especially for matters related to communications and your everyday experience. You can expect fruitful dialogues with others that could generate inspiration and spark new ideas.
Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde on the 4th, also, traveling backward through that sign and then through Leo later in the month, from the 14th on, indicating that there while could be a few challenges particularly in regard to focus, the month could also offer an opportunity to refine your skills, perfect your craft, and hone in on what you love to do. Mercury stations direct by the end of the month and escapes its retrograde shadow by the 12th of September.
On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon could bring added tensions, increasing over the following two days when the square perfects between Mars/Jupiter in Gemini with Saturn in Pisces. This could reveal a conflict between inner and outer or between what you already know versus what you want to learn. You could feel limited in the applications of your skills, or you could be undervaluing your abilities in some ways. You win when you can banish any self-doubts that stand between you and your ability to succeed.
The Full Moon in Aquarius culminating in your social sector on the 19th could mean more opportunities for fun interactions and mingling around this time. There could be surprise information that changes things. It may be hard to strike a balance between work and play although pleasurable activities have their own rewards that money can’t buy. There are limits that might be encountered. What feels constricting could also be coming from your own internal voice which could represent a different take rather than actual pressing responsibilities.
From the 21st to the 24th, a square between Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini emphasizes partners, issues of self and other, as well as schedules and logistics.
On the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo creating a moment of intensity when goals and values are shifting.
On the 28th, as Mercury in Leo turns direct, you might feel a shift in the energy as far as your creative projects. Mercury remains shaky until next mid-month.
Your attention could gradually be moving towards family and loved ones as Venus enters Libra on the 29th. You may be prompted to find greater equilibrium between your personal desires and the requirements of your partnerships in the coming weeks and it’s a good time to adjust the balance between them.
This month represents another transformative time, Taurus, with Pluto continuing to be highlighted in your solar chart. The New Moon of Sunday, August 4th, represents an emphasis on home and family, and your psychological roots, with the added twist that Mercury is also turning retrograde in your sector of creativity, projects, and pleasure, so that you are simultaneously second-guessing yourself in these areas. You are very aware of the deeper layers of your psyche and do well to pay attention to what is going on within you, and to intuitional information coming your way. When a week goes by and the First Quarter Moon lands in your partnership sector, on the 12th, it is really a case of go and stop. You could have loads of ideas but your sense of what can be concretely accomplished lies in suspended animation. There could be partnership conflicts that yet illumine choices that you have made or see looming, so that careful nuance is required to see all of it through to the best conclusion. The AquariusFull Moon of the following week, taking place on the 19th, makes for something of a culmination that brings even more vividly to an important turning point.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
You arrive at the month of August from a place of inner work that includes home and family considerations and a mediative attitude toward what might be accomplished by looking within yourself for the answers. That spirit of trusting to intuition also comes up for you on August 1st, as Venus, your ruler, squares Uranus in your sign, and trines Eris and Chiron in your sector of unconscious process.
Mercury is also slowing down in Virgo, getting ready to turn retrograde on the 4th, which will give you an introspective time period of further looking within, question the wellsprings of your creativity. The Mercury Retrograde period of Mercury moving backward through Virgo, and then through part of Leo, or your domestic sector, lasts until the 28th and beyond, as it straightens out for two more weeks into September. This means that you have the entire month to refine a project, a hobby, or your living situation to be sure that your efforts are sustainable in the long run.
On August 4th also, the LeoNew Moon arrives, bringing fresh energy to your realm of home and family concerns and issues. Pleasurable comfort is high on your priority list, and you are always willing to put in the extra effort necessary to get it, but there could be a price to pay to secure your peace in the form of greater tension than usual between familial or career obligations versus your need for space and freedom. Important partners might be able to contribute a helpful point of view and they are in any case likely to put an oar in anyway in order to try.
Venus in Virgo for most of August brings an additional emphasis on creativity, pleasure, romance, any children in your life. Your desire for leisure and fun activities could easily take center stage if it wasn’t for your ambitions and the responsibilities attached to them.
On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon n Scorpio with the Sun still in Leo could bring up a degree of tension between your partnership and domestic sectors that could however lead to creative solutions over time.
On August 18th, there is information of an unusual kind affecting your domestic sphere as Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in your sign before becoming buried in the heart of the Sun for the afternoon.
The AquariusFull Moon in culminates on August 19th in your vocational sector emphasizing recent victories and shining a spotlight on your public image and your societal contributions. The Full Moon makes a T-square to Uranus in your sign emphasizing individuality, originality and trailblazing. Venus, your ruler, opposing Saturn in Pisces as part of this Full Moon could put up blocks to individual creativity or romantic initiatives and which could nevertheless provide necessary lessons.
The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd corresponding to your sector of creativity and joy, which provides you comfort in a somewhat difficult month.
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini on the 26th could be a financial flash point in terms of attitude changes that could in the end actually prove necessary. This will be more or less impactful depending on your spending habits and your confidence level in these matters of your money and your own values and how comfortable you are acknowledging them.
Mercury turns direct on the 28th in the sign of Leo which could bring inspiration to focus on what you love to do the most. Indulgence versus discipline continues to be an important theme at the end of August as Venus also transitions from Virgo into Libra on the 29th and trines transformational Pluto. You have a lot of work on your hands but when you do what you love, the work becomes more like child’s play.
This is an exciting month of push and pull, Gemini, where you have a lot of energy for moving forward, and yet also must accept some delays or even setbacks to get most of what you truly want. One consequential factor in all this is the transformational pressure upon your evolving understanding of your beliefs and worldview, likely shifting these summer months, while another is the recent entrance of Mars into your sign, coincident with the potent late CapricornFull Moon from last month, which has been giving you energy for change and a certain degree of passion, Because of of the energy of the Trickster, Uranus, you have also been dealing with surprise events and unusual revelations. You do well, however, to stay open-minded to these eruptions. This month as well, on August 4th, the same day as the LeoNew Moon, Mercury, your ruler, turns to retrograde motion in your home and family sector. This initiates what is for you an introspective time when the caution is to go slowly and to try not to push the river. Your energy level stays high, and your deepest and most sincere values remain all important as you fine-tune your approach to family dynamics, relationships, and your psychological roots.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The August month arrives on the heels of a dramatic Full Moon in late Capricorn from the 21st of the previous month, as the Cancer lunation cycle subsides in its first few days. At that time, Mars was newly in your sign, touching off the transformational effects of Pluto in Aquarius, or your sector of beliefs and worldview, so that you can still feel the shift – carrying over into the present month – in habit patterns and point of view.
On August 4th, your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde in Virgo, corresponding to your sector of home and family which brings a reassessment of your overall direction not because you are not progressing necessarily, but because of a shifting landscape within you as far as goals and values. The need to rethink your approaches could also be prompted by Mars in your sign coming closer to expansive Jupiter.
The LeoNew Moon also arrives on August 4th in your communications sector, bringing a fresh start in this area which includes mental process, curiosity, and learning. These factors may become more individually tinged with your own stamp at this timing, although with Mercury also in retrograde in your domestic sector you are in an introspective mode as well, to some extent exploring your own inner depths and the way that your familial dynamic flows.
There is a lot of action taking place in Gemini this month thanks to Mars and Jupiter coming into conjunction while both are transiting in your sign. This combination is known for being over the top and energetically active and yet it could bring the confidence needed to breeze through the more challenging aspects of this month such as the Mercury Retrograde.
Impatience with the status quo is possible mid-month as Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini from the 13th to the 15th, and they together square Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter not becoming exact until the 19th of the month. This emphasizes your ambitions and brings you into thoughtful connection with the various conflicting energies of the society that surrounds you, as you make your own ay forward.
New perspectives could also begin to emerge by the 18th when Mercury in retrograde motion comes into close conjunction with the Sun in Leo, providing a degree of inspiration
The AquariusFull Moon arrives the next day, on August 19th, with Mercury still conjunct the Sun. The Full Moon comes as something of a culmination of the impulse of this cycle, stemming from the 4th, and light up both your higher mind sector and also that of career and professional life. Issues of the balance between public and private might come up for you at this juncture, and with highlighted Uranus on the edge of your sign, surprises abound, along with startling revelations. Jupiter in Gemini forms an exact square with Saturn in Pisces in your career sector, implying course corrections, especially in relation to your career. Heading into the future, your enthusiasm must find its productive channels to flow into for maximum beneficial results.
This idea of something being up with your processional or vocational choices could be an enriching and an ongoing process that takes you all the way to June 2025 when Jupiter is also square to Saturn.
Mercury in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini on the 24th before turning direct on the 28th which means the last week of August could bring more information to you about something that’s been in the works for a while.
Venus enters Libra on the 29th and forms a trine with Pluto in Aquarius which could bring the transformational impact of Pluto to bear and perhaps result in eventual inspiration needed to rekindle your creativity and passions, making things a lot smoother after a period of reassessment.
This is another month of transformational import for you, Cancer, with Pluto highlighted in a vital sector. This area of your chart has to do with close partnership connection, and, more importantly, with intimacy with yourself, deep down. There are surprising twists and turns, especially on August 4th, when Mercury turns to retrograde motion in your communication sector on the same day as the LeoNew Moon. You will find yourself speaking from the heart; there could be the usual Mercury Retrograde sense of difficulty in getting your actual point across, and you are moved to look within for important answers. Career choices have recently been being made on something of a mystical or imaginative basis, with a sense of idealization that can also be tricky to navigate. You might have trouble attempting to discern the false from the true; nevertheless, you must try. It could prove invaluable at this juncture to depend on your intuition. With the AquariusFull Moon of the 19th, there could be further surprises, and further intuitional revelations. The potential for confusion is still there, along with the necessity for trusting in yourself and your inner guidance. The value is this emphasizes your recognition of inner principle and an internal moral judgment that is completely your own.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
As you enter August, you are riding the wave from the New Moon in your sign, and the Full Moon of the 21st of last month which was transformationally dynamic and likely brought you to surprising revelations having to do with your goals and your internal awareness of intuitional information that is available to you when you half-close your eyes to see it.
Then, on August 4th, the LeoNew Moon takes place in the resource sector of your chart signaling the beginning of a new cycle for things related to your values, your income, and your energetic investments. You are still very aware of things unseen taking place deep within you, informing your career choices. The saying ‘’energy flows where attention goes’’ may ring truer than usual and it may be good to keep that in mind as the thirty-day Leo cycle progresses.
On the 4th, also, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo or your communications sector, and could give you a meditative period of time when you are questioning your information sources – or refining them – and a dwelling on your thought patterns and the ways these affect not only your reality but the ways in which you perceive yourself. Being more deliberate about your attention could help sort out the essential from the noise so that you can focus on what matters the most to you. Mercury returns to Leo on the 14th before turning direct there on the 28th and taking two more weeks, into September, to completely straighten out.
In mid-August there is an increased flow of energy to your dreams and your unconscious process, as Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Gemini from the 13th to the 15th and come into a square with Saturn in Pisces lasting to at least the 16th, and the 19th for Jupiter to Saturn, which may emphasize the way that social issues penetrate to your own inner world. You may be tempted to compromise on your own internal understanding, and this could also come to be recognized as a mistake. In any case, lessons will be there for the learning.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 19th at the tail end of the Aquarius sign illuminate the next sign for the Sun and Moon as well, implying that curiosity and learning could be a big part of the story of this powerful lunation. The lights also make an exact T-square to Uranus at 27° of Taurus, so that there will likely be surprises, and as well startling revelations plus intuitional information from deep inside that you will be contending with at this time. The space between inner and outer realities could be emphasized. This moment could also help you process real versus imagined praise or rejection. Bonding and connectivity are essential components to your wellbeing and with Mercury and the Sun in Leo opposing the Moon, issues around love and care could come to the forefront in order to be integrated more consciously. Jupiter in Gemini is precisely square to Saturn in Pisces, leading to a sense that inner awareness is vital to your more complete understanding of what you are currently up to.
Mercury turning direct on the 28th suggests that your abilities to multitask and think efficiently could slowly increase over the coming weeks of the post-retrograde shadow. The biggest obstacle to your success right now could be related to illusions and confusions of what you are up to in your outer world setting, so that you benefit from accessing intuitional information and being slow to judge events until the entire scope of what has happened can be revealed.
This is another rather strange month for you, Leo. You come into it from a time of delving rather deeply into your own internal process, and with the August 4th New Moon in your sign, you are feeling the energy of a brand-new fresh start in matters of basic identity – who you are and where headed in this new stage. from the recent late CapricornFull Moon, Mercury in your sign squared Trickster Uranus which has been throwing a few monkey wrenches into things. Then, too, the retrograde of Mercury on the 4th in concert with this big New Moon begins in your sector of resources and values, heading back into your sign on the 14th. All these first two weeks of August you might be feeling a fluctuation in your finances, and as well within your deepest principles. You are perhaps even questioning your relationship to the material world itself. Partnership in your life is also an important factor in figuring out where you ultimately stand in terms of career and potential pathway forward. The Full Moon of August 19th is key in this regard, and for the issue, as well, of trusting your own internal intuition, as much as you possibly can, in all of these matters.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
You start your month in the aftermath of the heart of the Cancer cycle from July, which lit up your sector of unconscious process. The Full Moon in late Capricorn of the 21st, conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, your opposite sign, brought to front and center consideration the key partnerships in your life, along with the ongoing transformation of your relationship dynamic.
On August 4th, the New Moon lands in your sign, and these themes find their continuation. Your Leo sign being energized by this New Moon signals a revitalizing and dynamic period that is however somewhat broken up by the simultaneous retrograde of Mercury. This rush of energy is supported by Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, your social sector, making this moment especially good for networking, connecting with others, and seeking opportunities for long-term growth.
On the 4th also, Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo implying an introspective period of time when values are reviewed and perhaps adjusted, and when even with all that positive energy, you might have to use discrimination before jumping blindly into what calls you. You benefit from taking time to evaluate your true heart’s desires with important decisions in the coming weeks; giving yourself permission to change your mind could alleviate some of the pressure so that you can go slow rather than get anything figured out very quickly.
On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio brings a sense of conflicting energies to your planning, with domestic issues of familial dynamics or your dwelling space possibly getting in the way of your own individual desires.
From the 13th to the 15th Mars and Jupiter come to their conjunction in your social sector, and simultaneously square Saturn in Pisces lasting to the 16th, and the 19th for Jupiter. The is a case of push and pull, or go and stop, with excitement in the offing and yet a dampening of that too, perhaps indicating a conflict between groups you favor versus in-dwelling into your private spaces or intimacy with a close partner.
The 18th sees a Mercury Cazimi in your sign, in the afternoon, which is a peak moment of the retrograde, and therefore backward-looking to some extent, yet which could also open you to new insights and renewed confidence.
On August 19th, with the Full Moon taking place in your opposite sign of Aquarius, partnerships and collaborations could come under the spotlight emphasizing relational dynamics and agreements you have with others. The more you try to do everything on your own, the more tense this period could feel, so that compromise is favored. Jupiter squares Saturn precisely, from your social sector to your depth sector of intimacy and personal evolution which could indicate relational conflicts and yet in another way, greater partnership commitment.
In this Full Moon configuration as well, Venus in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces while Jupiter and Mars in Gemini squares both. This may highlight current tension surrounding your need for autonomy versus your reliance on others. There may not be an easy solution and you may have to find the middle ground or clearly define the terms of your agreements with someone and what you are willing to do at this time to get what you want.
The later part of August could bring traction and you should start to feel gradually clearer about your desires and where things are heading. The Sun entering Virgo on the 22nd will continue to highlight autonomy vs dependency, personal vs collective values and resources or support available.
Mercury turning direct in Leo on the 28th means that things could start moving forward, slowly, over the next two weeks of the post-retrograde shadow.
On the 29th, Venus enters Libra, corresponding to your communications sector, and this could soften your voice considerably – thus allowing you to attract what you want with charm and honey as opposed to one-sided coercion, if you are ready to give that a try.
This August month is one of exploring hidden mysteries within you, Virgo, with several astrological factors pointing in this inward turning direction. For one thing, as your ruler, Mercury, begins moving backward through your sign from almost its very start, you are reviewing or even recreating the past. Habit patterns that no longer work could be on their way out. The New Moon of August 4th illuminates your sector of unconscious process, dream imagination, and inner work, so that as you enter August’s second week, you find yourself in an internal and introspective mode. Mystical Neptune is also highlighted in your sector of partnership, as well as intimacy and personal transformation, so that everything seems very fluid and out of touch with more concretely surface realities. The Full Moon of the 19th is a significant juncture and brings relationship even more powerfully into the picture. These could be idealized at one moment and then the bubble could burst in the next, so that it is important to recognize that you are the final arbiter of your own fate. Your life on the outside does not reveal very much of what is truly going on for you as you sort your true priorities and acknowledge the power of your inner world.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
You arrive at August fresh from a rather transformational Cancer lunation cycle, punctuated by the recent Full Moon on the edge of your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process; this brought the deep inner part of yourself closer to the light of day, while your sector of career and professional life was also being stimulated. Inner and outer were your twin watchwords, and this remains true in the current month.
You may feel the need to slow down in order to regroup at the beginning of this August excursion, with Mercury, your ruler, moving quite slowly through your sign, preparing to retrograde. This event takes place on August 4th coincident with the New Moon, and the retrograde period lasts most of the month, until the 28th. With this significant backward motion your mode becomes to some extent an introspective one, and you could find yourself questioning your very identity, or how you came to be the way that you are. There is a constructive phase to this kind of inquiry because certain self-concepts could have outlived their usefulness and could need a little pruning along the way to your net evolutionary phase.
The LeoNew Moon takes place this same day, of the 4th, in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, which adds to the inward turning. This day is also when Venus enters your sign that evening, which may additionally make for a thoughtful presence, reminding you of your own unique principles and values that are your birthright. Jupiter and Mars are highlighted in your career sector, which make for an energetic accompaniment to all this inner orientation, urging you to speed up when you are feeling more in the way of slowing down to examine the ground beneath your feet. You could be simultaneously in high demand for your skills and your ability to shapeshift with ease between roles and circumstances.
This retrograde period could also prompt you to reassess your various engagements and projects to ensure that these are still aligned with what you want to be doing. You may have been gradually veering off from your trajectory due to external demands and now may be a good time to make the necessary adjustments especially when it comes to your workload and what you are willing to do for others.
From August 13th to the 15th, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini align in their close conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, and with Venus in your sign by squaring each end of the Venus opposition to Saturn. This represents more conflict between the urge to do versus the urge just to be. You could be navigating between your personal needs and the commitments or promises you made to others trying to keep all those balls in the air. The Mercury Retrograde is meanwhile again asking for a slowdown rather than a speeding up, so that you will have to exercise discrimination in choosing how you show up.
On the 18th, Venus opposite Saturn perfects, indicating commitments to partners and a slowing down in relationship interactions. Issues of self and other could arise for deeper consideration. On this day as well, Mercury in Leo, still in retrograde motion, squares Uranus. There could be loads of intuitional information flying around, as you try to pick and choose what to settle on.
The Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on the 19th emphasizing your to-do list and the near impossible task of juggling everything efficiently at this time. This may also give you the ability to get directly in touch with your ambitions and what is actually motivating you. Jupiter in your vocational sector is precisely square to Saturn in your relationship sector, so that both of these important areas are now featured, with the possibility of conflicting priorities. The world of your social setting could be another factor distracting you from embracing principles and values that are strictly your own.
The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd and Mercury turns direct on the 28th. Mercury will gradually escape its post-retrograde shadow over the next two weeks, extending to September 11th. The next month brings more ease for all things and could feel particularly rewarding after a period of hard work.
This is an August month of internal thought process, Libra, and for taking a similarly mystical and intuitional perspective on relationships in your life, requiring discernment. Mercury is in retrograde motion beginning on the 4th, and the LeoNew Moon that same day features your ruler, Venus, at the edge of your sector of the unconscious, dreams, and inner work. These are powerful indications that much is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche. Important partners bring helpful perspectives that can also be tinged with a modicum of confusion or self-deception, so that you have to be careful in how you look at this. You benefit from staying as open as you are able to what your intuition and your angel guidance – which could also be considered as information from your higher self – provide. You are in the midst of an evolutionary approach to your own creativity, which might need to be in closer alignment with your most cherished principles and values as they, themselves, continue to evolve. The Full Moon of the 19th comes along two weeks later and is another extremely potent lunation, one that brings further awareness to your societal contribution and as well the issues surrounding your inner world.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
As August arrives, you are riding out the Cancer lunation cycle from last month, which energized your vocational sector, so that might have been lots of action in that part of your life, lasting into the first few days of the present month. As the month gets underway, as well, because Venus, your ruler, is trine Eris in Aries, while Mercury is slowing down in Virgo, inner matters and future goals are also very much on your mind.
On August 2nd, your ruling planet Venus, transiting in Leo, corresponding to your social sector of groups, friendships, and future plans, forms a square with Trickster Uranus in Taurus, symbolizing that unusual alliances prosper and surprises abound. You could be feeling restless excitement in these areas and also the reverse urge to pull it together in order to continue working towards a long-term goal.
The LeoNew Moon arrives on the 4th bringing new incentives to connect with like-minded individuals within or even outside of your current circle. You could be craving more pleasurable social interactions. A lot of energy is available for this with however the caveat that Venus entering Virgo and Mercury turning retrograde on the same day could mean that time spent alone in more of a meditative stance.
The Mercury Retrograde period of time begins also on the 4th, lasting until at least the 28th when Mercury stations direct. This engenders an introspective period of time when you are looking more closely beneath the normative day-to-day working world of tasks and schedules. There might be shadow work that is an important corollary to this surface level that needs attending to in order for you to fell more complete and whole; and if so, you might profit by turning your gaze within yourself. It is possible that – as you see more deeply into things – course corrections will result.
Mercury in retrograde meets Venus in early Virgo on the 7th. This brings to you greater conscious awareness of your process of review and readjustment. Time and effort invested behind the scenes will eventually pay off and there could still be a lot of work to be done before you fully get there.
The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio arrives on August 12th, lighting up your sector of values and resources. Some conflict could ensue between peer pressure versus your internal intuitional concepts. Your own completely individual principles and values are one thing that is very much on your mind in this introspective timeframe, and these could be even further brought forward.
From the 13th to the 15th, Mars and Jupiter form a conjunction in Gemini which also squares Saturn in Pisces culminating the 16th. This could continue to highlight any tension between your long-term goals and the logistics needed to make something happen. Every step along the way counts in bringing you closer to your true goals. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini being thus highlighted offers opportunities to get out of the beaten path with your beliefs and worldview and find new directions in how you see things.
August 18th, Venus, your ruler, opposes stolid old Saturn and things could slow down for you a bit. This could be something of a styme for your progress although there will also be lessons gained.
The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on August 19th and reanimates your creative projects, romantic opportunities, children, and self-expression with some different ideas that are emerging with you. The Full Moon is making a T-square to Uranus in late Taurus so that surprise events new revelations are more than possible. Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Leo in this Full Moon brings a thoughtful and innovative time which could make it a priority to start reconciling various areas of your life where that seems needed. You may have to get out of your own way and let go of the need to have everything figured out perfectly.
On the 28th, Mercury stations direct, while on the 29th, Venus moving into your sign gives you added self-confidence to deal with the many ideas and unusual social interactions that this complex month has perhaps brought forward. As Mercury slowly escapes its post-retrograde shadow over the next two weeks, there will eventually emerge greater ease and opportunities to integrate more seamlessly what seemed irreconcilable just a few weeks ago.
This is an interesting month of steps backward as well as forward, Scorpio. The Mercury Retrograde from nearly the beginning of the month, beginning on the 4th, takes place through significant sectors of your solar chart, beginning in your social sector, and then through your sector of career and professional work, making for an introspective and questioning period of time. The keywords are review and rearrange as far as your priorities are concerned. Meanwhile the LeoNew Moon, also on August 4th, located in your sector of career and professional life, challenges you to take an earnest look to the inside as you proceed with outer world decisions. You could be seeking a better match between your deep personal values and what you do out in the world in terms of decisions and strategy, so that the one is in sync with the other. This relates as well to your transformation at the core that is part of this summer’s journey for you. As you delve inside, you recreate your relationships and your internal connection with yourself. The dynamic AquariusFull Moon of August 19th is powerful and strange, speaking to your creativity and the societal impact that you bring, with further surprises and inner revelations.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
August arrives as the Cancer lunation cycle initiated last month is closing. This has likely been an enlightening time for you when your public statement has had to grow in response to developments in your more private sphere of home and family concerns, where a highlighted presence of Pluto has been holding court.
On August 4th, the LeoNew Moon brings fresh attention to your career and professional life. In the midst of this renewed momentum, however, you must also deal with Mercury turning retrograde in Virgo on the same day, which indicates that a deeper process could be at play. The New Moon in Leo is aspected by Jupiter and Mars currently in Gemini, corresponding to your sector of intimate connection and personal evolution, so that this could relate to allies that are willing to assist you or collaborations that could eventually pay off. Keeping an open mind about what is offered could represent future opportunities that could be profitable in the long run.
The Mercury Retrograde period lasts all month, with Mercury’s station t direct motion on the 28th and then the two-week post-retrograde shadow when Mercury gradually straightens out that ends on September 11th. Since Mercury is at first moving backward through your social sector of goals, friendships, and future planning, and then later in the month backs into Leo, or your vocational sector, the way that you make career choices could be somewhat up in the air as you also take on an introspective and potentially questioning attitude about this important area.
On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon in your sign arrives, presenting what could be something of a conflict between your freedom of expression and your work ethic. You could also be arriving at a minor crisis as things begin to turn out a little differently than you had thought, which is one hallmark of the Mercury Retrograde.
Mars, your traditional ruler, and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini from the 13th to the 15th while forming a square with Saturn in Pisces that perfects on the 16th. This could indicate fresh energy for creative projects and an evolution in partnership agreements and commitments or could also perhaps emphasize some tension between resources and creative or romantic scenarios.
On the afternoon of the 18th something may come to light that helps clarify your heart’s desires when Mercury Retrograde meets the center of the Sun in Leo signaling the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. There could be new clarity or a need to revise agreements, contracts or expectations with others.
The AquariusFull Moon arrives on the 19th and this could be a relational flashpoint with a liberating effect that could take some time to unfold. Venus in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces in the Full Moon implies there could be tension between duty and pleasure or what you think you should be doing versus what you really want to be doing. There may not be one easy solution. Issues of home versus work, or creativity versus the social agenda that your creativity serves could bring about surprising results or realizations. They say that home is where the heart is and this may be good to keep in mind, trusting inner intuition when all else fails.
On the 22nd, the Sun entering Virgo, corresponding to your social sector, with Venus in Virgo squaring Mars in Gemini. This could symbolize increased social interactions and general busyness during the last week of August.
Mercury in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini a few days before turning direct on the 28th which signals more traction gradually coming together for ideas or projects that have been in the works. While you may not have everything figured out by the end of the month, you could feel hopeful about creative and romantic prospects especially if you can get out of your own comfort zone and be willing to experiment a little more.
This is another month, Sagittarius, where partnership issues could arise, including issues of intimacy, which can be related to how well acquainted you are with yourself, deep down. Mercury is in retrograde motion beginning on the 4th, and governs your sector of career and professional life, as well as your relationship sector, so that you may expect in the weeks ahead to be questioning, refining, and reviewing these important areas of your life for the more profound inner meaning. The August 4th LeoNew Moon makes a nice chime with a Fire sign such as yours and presages a fresh start in the way that you perceive the world around you, your place within it, and how your innermost values can be an important factor in the story of how you empower your own path forward consistent with them. You are in a meditative connection lately with your own insides, and it is significant that you honor this self-sufficiency moving forward. The dramatic AquariusFull Moon taking place on the 19th signals a fulfillment of your future vision in terms of outer world accomplishment as you also attempt to incorporate course corrections from the Mercury Retrograde period of time lasting, in reality, for almost the entire August month.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
As August begins you are in the winding down last few days of the Cancer lunation cycle from the previous month. This featured your sector of intimacy and personal evolution – so that there could have been progress on both of these fronts, which are related. Another big factor from July was Pluto, agent for transformational change, located in your communications sector. There could be a factor of curiosity, communication, and learning that is shifting for you over last month and in the coming weeks as well.
The word wanderlust is often used to describe a strong urge or impulse to travel although it can also be used to characterize an inner restlessness or the need to move about and not be stuck in one place. The LeoNew Moon on August 4th could awaken your roaming spirit especially if you’ve had to make more concessions than usual on your free time to meet obligations at work or to keep the peace with a partner. As usual, you have your eyes on the prize and a lot of what is taking place relates to the broader vision you have of your future and what you want it to look like. You may be willing to forgo immediate pleasures for the sake of a long-term goal and you could be feeling a need to slow down and adjust your momentum to make things more sustainable.
Mercury is in retrograde from the 4th to the 28th, beginning in a key sector of your chart, related to career and professional life. Mercury later in the month backs off into Leo, or your sector of higher mind and worldview. This is your chance to do a little self-exploration in these areas and could be your cue to assess your sense of direction and ensure that things within you are aligned with what you want and also with what you believe in.
From the 13th to the 15th, things could culminate when Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, and a mutable T-square subsequently links Mars and Jupiter with Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo. Partners are active now and provide counsel that could interfere with or inform your career choices, while your commitment on your home turf contributes additional responsibilities.
The Full Moon lands in Aquarius on the 19th and shines a light on your skills and your ability to convey, share or teach what you know. Your career and your home life might also be affected. Then too, with Trickster Uranus emphasized, surprises, perhaps involving partners, are likely to be in store, together with unexpected revelations. Your communication habits continue to evolve and the more so, the more you can pay attention to where the universe is tapping you on the shoulder. With Jupiter, your ruler, exactly square to Saturn in Pisces it is also possible that there could be a conflict of interest between the demands of an ongoing relationship and home or family concerns or issues with your dwelling space. Venus in Virgo opposing Saturn may represent a slowing down of what you can accomplish in terms of future goals.
The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd, bringing a great deal of focus to your career choices that you continue to be involved with.
Mercury turning direct in Leo on the 28th, and Venus entering Libra on the 29th could continue to emphasize your professional and social spheres of activity in the coming weeks. Finding better ways to relax a little could be the way to go.
This is another transitional month, Capricorn, following the potent Full Moon of July 21st that took place in the last degree of your sign, and on the edge of Aquarius, your sector of resources and values. The month is complexified by the retrograde of Mercury through some sensitive sectors of your solar chart. In your planning and in your friendships and group affiliations there is a palpable sense of making your deepest principles count for something as you evaluate your pathway forward. The LeoNew Moon of August 4th speaks to internal understanding and close partnership evolution along with your own, while the retrograde of Mercury that takes place on the same day also calls into question for a process of review, inspection, and refinement your beliefs and worldview. It is possible that you are entering into a brand-new phase, based in part on your recent personal progress that has followed the long sojourn of Pluto through your sign, now, in practical terms, finally ended. As you settle into a fundamentally altered sense of identity, your values will be an all-important factor for you heading forward. For the remainder of the year Pluto is either at -- or hovering on the edge of – the following sign of Aquarius.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
August arrives on the heels of the Cancer lunation cycle that emphasized partnerships in your life, and that featured the transformational effects of Pluto in your sector of resources and values. It seems that your own internal principles and values are becoming more important to you as a standard.
The New Moon in Leo arrives on August 4th and emphasizes the resources and support received from others along with partnership agreements. There is also the ongoing position of Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius that was a key factor last month and is also currently emphasized. Transformation does not always come easy of course but it does persist. Your sense of your existing values, along with your finances, is going through a sea change, and what might eventually come out of that remains undefined. Regarding your partnerships, you of all people understand the importance of teaming up. People often speak of the ambitious side of Capricorn but they rarely speak of the generosity that comes along with your sign. One of your most well-kept secrets is that you are actually a very giving and loyal person. Leo Season shines a spotlight on your ability to make others feel seen and your knack for seeing the best in someone could pay off in surprising ways this month.
Also on the 4th, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, and after ten days will be heading back into Leo before turning direct on the 28th. The Virgo sign corresponds to your higher mind sector, so that your beliefs and worldview might be the subject of much introspection and review before the first half of the month is finished.
Logistics of all kinds could take center stage from the 13th to the 15th as Mercury retrogrades backward into Leo, and as Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, subsequently squaring your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces. You might continue to question certain aspects of your partnership agreements, and there is a greater risk than usual of getting stuck on irrelevant details and you may have to be more deliberate about your focus not only for the sake of efficiency but for the sake of your mental health.
On the 19th, the Full Moon in Aquarius culminates a day after Mercury conjunction with the Sun in Leo, making this a clarifying Full Moon for all things related to your resources and what you have to work with. What is also an important part of this Full Moon is the Uranus emphasis which could relate to your creative self-expression. You may have an urge to break a commitment or get away from a restrictive situation especially if you’ve been compromising too much. With Mercury still in retrograde motion, this may not be the time to make major moves and yet you could gain new perspectives regarding what you need.
The Sun’s entry into Virgo on the 22nd might come as a relief and bring back a sense of grounding especially for daily chores, your routines, and everyday environment.
On the 28th Mercury turning direct in Leo implies that intimate and business partnerships will slowly become more productive in the weeks ahead along with your ability to take things in stride.
Sorting out the essential from the superfluous could remain a work in progress but keeping in mind that working hard does not always equal being productive; this might help you let go of unnecessary worries in order to focus on what matters the most to you.
This is a partnership month for you, Aquarius, that brings others very much into the picture of your own continuing evolution. As Pluto has settled into your sign over recent months, your identity itself and where you are heading with it has been a moving target. You are also checking in more thoroughly on your deepest principles and values, and how these can align more closely with career choices and your public statement. The LeoNew Moon of August 4th references your relationship sector and all kinds of personal connection. Because Mercury begins its retrograde path on the very same day, in your sector of intimacy, inner exploration, and personal evolution, you are also sizing up your situation regarding partnership in your life and how to allow it to be more current, and to truly shine. There will likely be introspective questioning, along with review and refinement of what close connection in your life actually consists. This is a natural process and, if you can go with it, will ultimately strengthen your relationships. The Full Moon in your sign of the 19th is very dynamic for you as well, emphasizing once more your interpersonal connections, home life, your depths, and the roots of your creativity.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
August arrives in the last few days of the Cancer lunation cycle from the previous month. Pluto at the very beginning of your sign was greatly emphasized all through, especially in the timing of the July 21st Full Moon. You are likely to be feeling the cosmic pressure upon you now to be the very best and most authentic version of yourself that to can be, and this internal mandate continues into the present monthly cycle.
On the 4th, the New Moon in your opposite sign of Leo kicks off a brand-new cycle for your relationships and dedicated partnerships. The Sun and Moon receiving support from Jupiter and Mars in Gemini currently transiting in your creative sector implies a connection between these two different parts of your life, suggesting collaboration on art, joy, or romantic pleasure. These could be fruitful, and your biggest challenge may be related to getting clear on here you stand on your most basic values.
Mercury retrogrades from the 4th to the 28th, beginning in the sign of Virgo, or your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, and later moving backwards into Leo which is also directly involved with your partnerships. The introspection of this period of time could help assess relational dilemmas and better understanding your own independent way forward.
On the 18th, Mercury joins the Sun for its inferior conjunction. The Cazimi period of this one afternoon is thought to bring clarity to your meditative process of reevaluation. With Mercury forming its second of three squares with Uranus in Taurus at this time, there could be an even more thoughtful result that represents an amalgamation of conflicting positions.
The Full Moon takes place in your sign on the 19th, and this could tie together many of the topics above illuminating desires, resources and commitment to creative or romantic pursuits. This could be your cue to get clear about your motivations, your passions and also current challenges. Because the Sun and Moon are in close aspect to Uranus, your ruler, this could be a very consequential timing for you. And because Jupiter and Saturn are also forming a close square in this configuration, financial autonomy could be one potential goal in the sense of taking on added responsibility for your own resources. It is also possible that you could see more clearly into any existing conflict between what you value and the way that you do your creative endeavors.
On the 22nd, the Sun’s entry into Virgo continues to emphasize relational dynamics in the coming weeks along with the agreements that bind you to others.
Venus entering Libra on the 29th could help you see the big picture allowing you to make adjustments to your sails over the coming weeks with fewer glitches. Mercury is now in direct motion, but just barely, and will straighten out over the following two weeks of the post-retrograde shadow period.
This is another rather intense and variegated month for you, Pisces, with Mercury in retrograde from almost its very start, beginning in your opposite sign, indicating deep reflection and questioning concerning your relationships and how they affect your own evolutionary development. You have been engaged with dream imagination and unconscious process all summer, and this adds a further dimension. It is good to quietly go with it, trusting intuition to guide you as much if not more than everyday logic will. The LeoNew Moon of August 4th, the same day that Mercury stations, reminds you that daily habits and workplace environments, as well as health regimens, are all under fresh scrutiny along with your partnership dynamic. A shifting worldview is one of the current benefits of this introspective timing, especially when you can stay open to what it brings, avoiding trying very hard to steer events to your preconceptions. Your changing beliefs represent important values that are your own, independent of consensus thinking. The potent AquariusFull Moon of the 19th might represent a fulfillment of all these tendencies, and a burst of intuitional information or surprise events that could rock you to the core and further expose you to the Mystery at the heart of your existence.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
August arrives on the heels of the Cancer lunation cycle sparked by the recent New Moon from early July, which lit up your sector of creative self-expression, any children you might have, and joyful pleasure. This recent July cycle that is currently ending also featured transformational Pluto in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, so that there have likely been massive changes in the way that you see your hidden places, deep within your psyche, and this trend continues into the current month.
The LeoNew Moon takes place on August 4th, emphasizing work, routine, habit patterns, health, and responsibilities. It’s a busy month but most of the action could be related to working on reconciling different areas of your life that require a certain amount of straightening out; and this could include your domestic life, partnerships and your career.
Mercury retrogrades in Virgo on the same day, so that there could also be a need to sort out the superfluous from the essential. You are in a meditative and thoughtful mode of questioning and reviewing your existing partnerships or the general relationship dynamic that you can identify as your own part in what usually follows. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, and then Leo, from the 4th to the 28th and this could be your opportunity to clarify priorities or the contracts and the agreements you have with others.
On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon lands with a potential conflict in action between your belief system, or perhaps foreign travel plans, and what you habitually do while at home tending your own garden.
From the 13th to the 15th, a conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini arises, and also squares Saturn in your sign. This also involves Venus in Virgo in the days following, all in Mutable signs. This could highlight an ongoing tension between personal directions and your sense of obligation with the need to lean into current opportunities knocking at your door even if these are not ideal. You may have to compromise.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th could bring fresh questions of evolving issues of self and other. The first of the three squares between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in your sign, occurring this month, could emphasize the multitude of options available right at home, and a commitment to greater concentrated effort to take responsibility for what is most important to you. If you have a tendency to spread yourself too thin or in too many directions, this could become increasingly unsustainable.
The Sun enters your opposite sign of Virgo on August 22nd, stimulating your relationships and giving fresh energy to this important area of your life.
On the 28th, Mercury turns direct in Leo while Venus enters Libra on the 29th. The end of August may continue to emphasize interpersonal dynamics, collaborations and the agreements you have with others. Although some part of you could still be craving independence, especially with work, you may be able to find the middle ground between what someone else wants versus doing it your own way, based on your own inner values.